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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. I get mine from this chap, he supplies larger sheets than some other retailers do which can be usefull http://www.stationroadbaseboards.co.uk/cart_plastic.htm
  2. Our apprentice had the same problem, it took 2 or 3 months for his certificate to arrive from them
  3. You're quite right, it is a 2 x 3 stacking sledge and grab and they do work well. A family friend used one of them for years and may even still have it laying in the nettles. The picture isn't clear enough to tell if anything is missing off either though I'm afraid
  4. Very good and hopefully this year, I'm sure Dan or Tim will be along before long to reveal all......
  5. We had one 150 acre field where I used to work and our neighbours had a 200 acre field, probably the biggest I've come across so far around here. The biggest one where I am now is 66 acres.
  6. No we won't Niels, the drilling only gets done by me when I have the time to do it otherwise one of the smaller tractors goes onto it. There will be a new drilling tractor at some point in the future, possibly next year but boss isn't sure as yet
  7. I have to admit that it does sound nice, even my boss remarked on it when I was drilling today Here's my other new toy, a President Johnson II CB radio which arrived yesterday and is now sitting tidily in the cab roof, didn't fancy drilling too many holes to fit a standard cb in this tractor with the amount of wiring tucked into the cab
  8. Here's a short video from when I was drilling today
  9. First impressions of the AFS 300 computer are good, its certainly easy to use and alter settings on, makes altering things like spool valve flow easy and by fine tuning tractor settings from the information showing on the screen its possible to get the best fuel economy out of it
  10. Been ploughing with the Puma yesterday and was extremely impressed with its fuel usage, between 20 and 28 litres an hour spot rate, the best my old 6920s managed was 30 litres an hour with the plough at 12 inches deep and 50cm furrows. No pictures of that as the camera batteries died but I did manage to get a few today when I drilled and rolled in the kale on what I ploughed yesterday, all behind strawed carrots.
  11. Irrigation and laying another 70 new irrigation pipes that we had to buy for this year, not a cheap past time at £59 each
  12. A new CB radio with a front facing speaker to fit in the spare DIN slot in the roof of the Puma, don't want to be drilling holes in the cab on it if I can avoid it
  13. It still has three ranges in the transmission despite being a CVX tractor, the buttons change between them
  14. I have to say that gave me a good laugh as well, would have liked to have been a fly on the wall inside the limo at the time to hear what was said ;D
  15. 6920 has never had fuel injector problems Chris, had a few fuel pump and rail issues but thats it in that area \ The Puma was clean when it arrived, the joys of strong winds and dusty yards. Only took it out of the shed to haul an artic out that got stuck in the yard earlier but he managed to get traction in the end and got himself out. The stones were like ball bearings under his wheels
  16. It arrived at lunchtime but I've been sorting out irrigators this afternnon so its been a 6810 job. They can arrive early if they want but I have the only key for it
  17. Aren't they just, but at least it won't affect any of us here from now on
  18. I'm sure I will, won't be living on edge anymore just waiting for something else to go wrong, unfortunately thats how it had got with the 6920s for all of us
  19. This is the first brand new tractor that I've ever had, nice to get that new smell for once and not the ex demo smell in it I'm looking forward to seeing how it performs as well
  20. There's an idea Nope, not left the shed yet.......it will tomorrow as I have to go to the JD dealers with it to pick up some irrigation pipes, should be fun ;D
  21. I shall be having a party later. Its looking like the old JD is off to Finland now
  22. Its finally arrived after being at the dealers for two weeks having its PDI checks and a couple of extras fitted to it
  23. More irrigation, now on the second pass of the first 60 acres of spuds that we planted, followed by changing more fuel hoses on our tractors, this time it was the 6810 and 6420s, last week it was my 6920s that had every single rubber hose changed. My guess ,which is now also supported by our dealers service manager as they too are seeing more hose problems than usual, is that the additives in the higher quality diesel introduced this year are eating away at he hoses on tractors and in the case of the 6920s the filter seals as well
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