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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Into work this morning to subsoil and start to ridge up the first field that is coming spuds this year then finish at lunchtime and spend the afternoon in the garden putting the first two rows of early spuds in. Really nice out there and the first true day of T-shirt weather here despite the -5 frost last night
  2. Sick pay is a joke isn't it Mark, I'd like to see those that set the rate survive on that amount a week January was a nightmare for me after having a swine flu like virus and being off for two weeks with only sick pay to live on
  3. Its that shiney paint syndrome you have.........you need very little encouragement to purchase new stuff when you suffer from that condition ;D
  4. Very nice Marky, I thought you may be won over by one of them after you tried them
  5. I'm glad its gone to be honest, was playing me up after our meal Saturday night. Hopefully it won't be too bad, got the Ibuprofen ready and waiting just in case
  6. Been Terra-Discing the spud fields again today, also put two bottles of rad weld in my 6920s : and just back from the dentists after having a wisdom tooth extracted
  7. The problem was so bad with some of these models of Navara that this website/forum was started.... http://knackerednavara.proboards.com/index.cgi
  8. Unsure on the newer ones but the previous model was a chain as my mates one threw it through the front of the engine
  9. Navara engine was the old model Marky, oil pump, timing chain and a habit of putting a leg or two out of bed Did you find out who your Isuzu dealer was in the end? As per our discussion the other day I'd consider the Ranger or Rodeo, especially with the keen offers they have on at present. I must say I did like the Ranger Thunder I drove a while back and would consider one myself if funds allowed
  10. Good to catch up with you as well Richard (and everyone else who stopped by) but do you think you can try to keep that furry rat of yours under control in future as the damn thing tried to bite me yesterday ;D ;D
  11. Replicagri Nodet spreader and Razol folding rolls
  12. Safely delivering a rather large calf from one of our older cows (born 1997), she'd been trying for two hours when my boss decided we should intervene, rope on each front leg of the calf, take one a piece, pull and out it slid
  13. The New Holland was more expensive that the Case but not actually seen the quotes for anything other than these two so unsure of the actual figures. The chrome does look a bit tacky but everything else makes up for it, will certainly keep the village awake with the noise the Puma makes
  14. If it has twin beacons so be it but they serve no helpful purpose to me in the field unlike everything else on the tractor It is Paul, the 165 is the baby of the old Puma CVX range
  15. It does indeed Sean along with a nice big cab with more space in it. Delivery should be around May/June but hopefully before, salesman marked it as urgent as wants to get my 6920s traded in and sold asap preferably to Poland or Hungary (his words, not mine) ;D
  16. The Axion was good Josh but just a bit too bulky for some of the jobs it would have to do. The decision has now been made and we will be having a Case Puma CVX 165 with an extended 4 year/4000 hour warranty on it. Its a high specification tractor including 50kph transmission and air brakes whic we have been informed will add value at trade in time and the air will prove usefull at other times as well. Its taken a long while to decide due to having so much to compare but at the end of the day the Case had more positives to it on standard specification than the John Deere, one big one being a higher hydraulic pump output which will help with the potato harvester, another being armrest controls and 4 electronic spools, this being an £800 option on the John Deere just for the armrest with 3 electronic spools. Even at that specification level the Case was still £1000+ cheaper than a John Deere 7430 specced with cab and axle suspension, 3 mechanical spools and a 5 year /5000 hour warranty, theres having an excess of £150 to pay on each fault though unlike the Case warranty which has no excess charge
  17. A text I got off my mate saying he'd had a "whoops" and felled a tree with the saw blade on his hedgecutter and had it land on his tractor taking the left hand rear mudguard with it on the way down ;D
  18. HMRC, bunch of useless wotsits, sending me £100 penalty notice for failure to fill in a tax return........bearing in mind I've not been self employed since June 2008, they know this, they even sent me a letter saying after filing my previous return they would not be sending me anymore and I didn't need to fill one in again and they still fine me for not filling in a non existant tax return......do you think I can get through to them on the phone either!!!! > >
  19. They still make the same model Martin, now goes as the 3130 so should be easy enough to source. If they won't post you one let me know as they are only 6 miles down the road from me so will pop and get it off them
  20. Looks a good drill Martin, if you give Kongskilde a ring here in Norfolk they will probably be ably to sort a book out for you as Nordsten are part of that company now
  21. Being summoned to the farm office to go through the new tractor details today with my boss.........good bye John Deere, hello Case :D :D
  22. Grimme's stupidity when they designed the Combistar's, why the devil they couldn't have welded studs on to mount the shaft bearing flanges onto I never know but oh no they have no use coach bolts and put them in gaps where its impossible for anyone older than 6 to get their hands.........my overalls, jaket and jumper are all in the wash now as they got covered in oil and grease from the chain case trying to fish out and re insert said bolts
  23. We buy in a protein meal mix for our suckler herd along with minerals but we also feed them on home grown maize silage and baled silage along with ammonia treated straw, unfortunately we've now run out of the last two so have bought in rejected sugar beet as all ours was accepted, they also get ordinary straw for feeding on a daily basis along with stockfeed spuds. I can't remember what Protein Feeds charge for the meal but I know it isn't cheap
  24. Thats a shame, hope they bring it out in 1-32 as well at some point
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