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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Luckily theres no photographic evidence of some subsoiling I done last spring with a severe hangover, I started off aiming straight but it looked like 5 snakes going across the field behind me ;D Its the same here Blake, its as if they breed, no matter what you do the soil more stones appear That bit already been planted so if we do dig it out we'll just right off a narrow strip of field as we'll get the digger man to dig out a trench to lay some polypipe in to drain that patch, better to cut our losses now and sort the problem than battle it as there's been a wet patch in that area for the 3 years I've been here.
  2. You can take the stone off Marky but everytime you ploughed the field you'd bring even more stones back to the surface. The destoner also removes clods which is what the bigger problem is on this field
  3. A few destoner pictures, when we tried this yesterday before we hired the tiller it was throwing enough clods out the side to fill the trench up to the top again................. ........and not what you want to see in a spud bed, there was just damp soil there last night and this it what greeted us this morning we did think it might be a natural spring to begin with but are now thinking that there may be a cracked or collapsed land drain there so will be getting a digger in as it will only get worse, as it is the planter nearly got stuck there this afternoon
  4. Onto our last 35 acres of potato planting now but we are having big problems with getting seed delivered, we have 19 tons now coming on Thursday but we've been waiting since last Tuesday for it and have now run out of seed again This field is one of the worst on the farm for soil type which has meant we have had to hire a bed tiller as our own one is in use on the planting tractor for pesticide application, at £250 a day its not a cheap machine to hire. Its a new Grimme rotavator with a shapeformer on the back of it Before After
  5. We're not allowed to burn it Ol, would have burnt a treat last week as well as it was bone dry up there. I did suggest a night time trip with a box of matches but my boss didn't approve despite saying that would be the best idea
  6. Heres the video on Youtube, Photobucket was being a pain
  7. We're waiting on a confirmed build date at present but it should be sometime in May or June, hopefully the 6920s will keep going that long without major incident, its already had two bottles of rad-weld shot in the cooling system in the past month after the radiator sprung a leak
  8. One more picture of the Challenger and a video of it working. I first met the driver of this 12 years ago when he had an old Challenger 75 and 10 furrow Naud plough and came to plough a field for my first employer when I left school, was good to catch up with him again. *edit - video is not playing ball at the moment, will post it in a bit*
  9. As part of the carrot contract they also have to get the field to a usable state as well so a local contractor is there at the moment with his Challenger 865B and Simba Solo 600, after 4 passes I may just about manage to plough in the 20 tons an acre of straw that they put on it in the autumn.....
  10. Think our near neighbours may complain yet as it engulfed her washing line
  11. Been a while since I updated this topic but all the spring barley and sugar beet are now in and we are half way through planting the potatoes, nothing much new there this year so no pictures to add really. The carrots have now been lifted and all gone, no pictures of the harvesting unfortunately as I was working the other side of the village the whole time they were there. owever they spread some lime on the ex carrot field yesterday and I managed to get some pictures of this taking place, machine was a Terragator and I'm sure him spreading it in the wind yesterday done the image of agriculture the power of good :
  12. I hope you'll be keeping that rodent of yours under control this time ;D I'll be there Saturday night as well
  13. NatWest can go forth and multiply as far as I'm concerned, being a loyal customer means nothing to them at the end of the day
  14. More like built like the proverbial brick outhouse actually Ben, the odd fragine bit like hose but for the most part well made and heavy
  15. Gav836

    Work wanted

    I'll have a word with a mate of mine, he may need someone to hire out on spud and carrot carting work or we ourselves may need someone at that time of year carting spuds and then drilling, just depends what happens with our harvest staff this year
  16. Gav836

    Work wanted

    Tough one as most of the contractors will have taken someone on from harvest onwards to cover beet season as well, will ask a couple of people though who may be able to help you out. How long would you be looking to stay for?
  17. With that amount of models I'd have thought that the easiest option and probably the most cost effective one would be to use a specialist auction house. Would cause a lot of work for yourself using ebay with postage if nothing else \
  18. Gav836

    Work wanted

    Let me know if I can be any assistance with the Norfolk end Chris, there's a few people around here I wouldn't advise working for
  19. They were excellent as per usual Barry, handy with the local only being 50m from my front gate ;D
  20. I'll sort some out tomorrow, off to sample the local pubs wears shortly
  21. If they are the ones in question I bought a set at Malvern, have to say they are surprisingly heavy for what they are and a nicely detailed model
  22. Is that the single rotor Model Marky? If so used to have one of them myself on my old Nuffield, good toppers
  23. The daft pair of clowns I work with not only destoning but planting the dummy bed on the headland of a spud field that we always cultivate out to make the irrigator road way The bed is only ridged up to allow for the burial of rubbish out of the other 5 so its now going to be a waste if seed as I'll have to rip it up so we can get the irrigator round the field
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