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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Came as a complete surprise as they had forgot to tell the boss about the nomination Just nice when that sort of thing happens She's doing ok thanks mate, had the op last Friday and was discharged Saturday, had a few days at Mum's and is now back at her house and on the mend
  2. The fact that we got nominated for the farmer of the year trophy ran by our vets at work, we didn't win but to just be nominted was an achievement. The reasons given were for our well run suckler herd with over 95% conception rates annually despite it only being a small part of a larger arable operation
  3. Be fancy and have a steering axle on them then ;D Seriously though I wouldn't recommend towing two low loaders like that, I wouldn't have thought the lowering mechanism would take the strain anyway \
  4. I'm surprised no one has suggested the cheapest option of all, two railway sleepers to run the tractor onto in order to raise it up level to the lowloader floor for setting the baler down, if not railway sleeps then have some steel extensions made up the right height. Cheap and simple but will do the job, can easily be lifted on and of the trailer with the loader as well.
  5. Try using these guys, you'll find the stuff is top quality and they offer an excellent service http://www.tomps.com/shop/index.php
  6. Just make sure it hasn't got a loader on it Marky or it might end up on its side ;D
  7. Thanks guys, my Sister is currently waiting to go down for surgery as soon as the operating theatre is free (major surgery taking up surgeons and staff at present apparently), they're not 100% sure that it is appendicitis until they get her in there and get a camera inside though so fingers crossed.
  8. Thanks, fingers crossed she should be, finally managed to get hold of Mum as she was out on a coach trip, looks like appendicitis \ One thing after another lately, Nan's only just out in the past 7 days after spending 3 weeks in there and is now in a nursing home
  9. Not so much sad as hurt that I have to read on Facebook just now that my sister is in an ambulance on her way to hospital, no one in the family thought to tell me, what a way to find out!!!!!!!
  10. All will be revealed in a couple of weeks time, just got some things to finish for someone first that are loooong overdue
  11. Some small chain off ebay and some wheels and a couple of other items off Artisan 32
  12. I hope they were large onions and the use of a lubricant wasn't offered ;D That was some of our problem last year, as ours were on contract and at a higher price than the free market they decided to mess us about.
  13. By waste I would guess Jordan means the outgrades, I know usually on our contract anything under 50mm isn't wanted by McCains so get fed to the cattle as normally the cannery boys haven't wanted them either. Last year we had 60tons rejected that had 6% of bruising in a 29 ton load, all they needed was pealing harder and they were fine, we were giving them away for weeks as well as feeding the cows on them. The average modern housewife seems (not all, but more townie types here) to think that they all come out of the ground perfectly shaped and clean, the supermarkets have a lot to answer for and have created this wasteful culture we live in today.
  14. Ours are the same as we grow Saturna and Crisps 4 All for Walkers, not sure when the Crisps 4 All are going but I believe the Saturna go out of the store late in the spring. We also grow an equal area of Pentland Dell for McCains which should be going in January.
  15. This is only really the case for those who grow for the pre-pack market Niels, those of us who grow for the processing market don't have to worry so much about skin finish/quality on potatoes as the end user never gets to see them unlike the pre-pack trade where everyone likes them to look nice. Maris Piper is the process markets favourite for chipping but is highly susceptible to common scab hence why some growers like ourselves prefer to grow Pentland Dell in its place, still a good cropper but more resistant to scab
  16. Probably a Baileys or a Western Marky, I know one of our local dealers has several ex hire ones up for sale at the moment from the spud season if its of any interest to you?
  17. Being laid up with my first chest infection of the winter......only plus bit is being home in the warm instead of a freezing workshop.
  18. One of our three bulls turning and charging at me this morning whilst we were moving them, had no where to get to or nothing to get behind either
  19. Nice one John, has it got the CEBIS computer system in it and the yield monitoring kit or is it just the basic system? I spent 5 years on a 460 and found it an easy machine to use and set up but just make sure you blow the engine/exhaust/under panel areas down daily, especially if it has the mesh type engine cover on it or you'll be on the local fire services Christmas card list
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