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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Yeah they do 2 or 3 different options, had a look at the Topcon one they offer at the Norfolk Show, on auto guide ready tractors it can plug into the tractors own steering system, thats on any brand not just AGCO group but on others that aren't auto guide ready you can unbolt the original steering wheel and swap it for a motor driven one operated by the eye in the sky which looked like the best system for us
  2. No lazyness involved Sean, its cost saving. As I do the bed forming the auto guidance would make all the beds a uniform size saving overlap and underlap with sprays, we'd look at getting a universal system though that could be swapped onto the 6810/6910 for drilling as well as it could save us a fortune in seed.
  3. why would we want to replace a 5 year old tractor with a 7 -10 year old one in which the auto power transmissions were just as suspect if not more so The whole idea is we want to upgrade to a new tractor possibly with auto guidance
  4. No, if the 6920s was good we'd be looking at getting her to 8000 hours before changing, getting her to 5000 has cost a fortune though
  5. The JD is only 5 years old. Thats the way we need to look at it, over its life with us it could save us a lot of money in diesel and a lot of whats fitted as options on other brands is standard on the Fendt
  6. Yeah it would be, the Fendt has sold itself to me particularly with the front linkage controls, it would make haulm topper operation so much easier as the front linkage is controlled in exactly the same way as the rear so no messing about with spool valves for height control
  7. We only have the Massey to come now when they can find us one and possibly a John Deere but we aren't pushing too hard for one of them
  8. Its a good tractor but I get the feeling the price tag will rule it out of the equation \
  9. Just to add more interest this week the Fendt 718 turned up an hour after the Case Puma did so I had that for most of the week, was impressed with how well it handled the subsoiler and how little diesel it used in the process, considerably less than my John Deere would to cover the same field, 350 litres to cover 26 hectares
  10. Video of the Puma ploughing and the impressive exhaust note
  11. We've also had the Case Puma 165 CVX on demo, I had it for one day ploughing and my mate and the boss shared it for a day drilling, we were all quite impressed with it but I personally prefer its blue equivelant from an operators point of view. Unlike the New Holland you can't tell the buttons apart by feel on the multi controller so its very easy to hit the wrong one when not looking at it which is a pain in the backside
  12. Here's a few pictures of what I've been up to recently, have been in today to finish ploughing the last bit of winter barley ground before cracking on with getting the potato harvester ready this week. My 6920s is on row crops at the minute for topping the potatoes so I've been ploughing with the 6910 which is up to the job again after having a new 3 point hitch cross shaft fitted
  13. I'm glad it isn't just ours that do that then........trouble is they keep escaping onto the perfectly level purpose laid airstrip used by a radio controlled aircraft club :
  14. Nope, no warranty with it, the dealer was selling it as seen but they had no knowledge of what was wrong with it either as without getting a bar under the shafts and removing chains and sprockets there was no way of knowing. I have the itemised list in front of me and there's a total of 42 bearings gone and 195 stars to replace Once this is done though it will be ok for a few years. Luckily we still have the old harvester as well so are going to take a wheel motor off that one for this one as the trip from Boston cooked the seals in it so that saves another £2000-2500
  15. More of a gradual build up since Monday, had the chap out to look over the new to us spud harvester on Monday and find out whats wrong with it.........oh dear!!!!! 75% of the bearings had gone along with all the stars, some shafts and numerous other bits, they knew what they were doing when they sold it as the parts alone come to £8263.68 :of :of
  16. Its a Phillip Watkins Quadtill Peter, not very common but always in attendance at this event http://www.philipwatkins.co.uk/
  17. Been to the above event today with my work mate, for a change they actually had it on land with a bit of body in it. The show is completely free to get into and is 90% working plots so makes a change. Didn't get many pictures but here's the ones I did take, I know at least two other members were there so if anyone wants to add any more pictures of the event feel free
  18. He'd just put it out ready to empty, augers are kept in at all other times on that farm as they use the round and round cutting method usually, makes it easier for the trailer boys that way with knowing who needs to empty the most urgently
  19. Went into work first thing to go ploughing but had been suffering from dreadfull toothache since last night so had to register with and reaquaint myself with a dentist after 4 years of avoiding them, managed to get a mid morning appointment where a very nice man wielding a pair of pliers forcibly removed the offending molar Was told not to go back on a tractor until tomorrow so have been in the yard looking over the spud harvester with the engineer........despite appearances the new to us harvester needs a lot of money spent on it
  20. I managed to snap these two with my phone whilst driving home this lunchtime (don't tell BGU or Robbo ). Its one of our neighbours, they usually have two Lexion 580's, one on hire and the other is an owner driver they use however he's had to go home and cut some of his own wheat today so another local farmer has sent one of his John Deeres in to help and I was also tol that another local estate has sent their Lexion 600 in to help them finish as well......this is what happens when a new young manager takes on 510 more acres without thinking about the extra manpower and machinery they need when they are already working at their limit
  21. We judge it as we have a light come on for half, thre quarter and full on our combine. It does put more strain on the machine to leave the auger full, too much strain in fact if it had beans in it.......I found out the hard way 7 years ago when I stretched all the drive chains and belts doing so on my old Lexion
  22. Yeah I did.......late night last night combined with copious amounts of Fullers London Pride ;D We get 2.75 tank fulls on a trailer, with some of the loads that have left the field I would imagine that there was 15-16 tons onboard as I know those trailers when level full hold just over 14 tons but we do have a habit of piling them up when we fill them
  23. Coooor you don't want to know much do you ;D 1. What size header on that combine 18ft cut, just the right size for us as we can fit it down our tracks on the combine 2. What speed are you doing on wheat 3.5-6kph depending on crop 3. How many Tonnes per Ha on average mate I would imagine we've averaged around 3.75t/ha, we've had mostly good yields with some fantastic first wheat behind OSR but had some first wheats on lighter land get hit by the drought so its pulled the average down 4. What trailers are you using 2 x 14t AS trailers on wheat, 1 the rest of the time 5. Are you tipping in the same place all the time All the wheat goes to the same grain store, the OSR and the spring barley went to a different one
  24. Also don't use a mobile phone on site or better still don't have it with you on site, not sure if they still have a sign up but they did have one saying "No Swearing, No Blaspheming, No Mobile Phones". They also used to remove radios from the tractors they sold due to their own religious beliefs. They don't have a website and have only recently got an email address so its a phone call jobby
  25. Looks good Marky, sure they'll be better for what you use her for. You may find it cheaper to look round a few of the MF dealers or someone like Brocks for a take off set of rims and tyres than buying a new set of rims by themselves, you could then sell your existing ag tyres on. We're currently looking for a set for our 6910, going to be easier to get a set of wheels than obtain the wide tyres we now want on her for pulling the Vaderstad
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