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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. 70cl, litre bottles are £22, offer ends on Tuesday, should keep me going for a little while especially with the offer that ASDA have on mixer cans at the moment as well, their JD was more expensive
  2. Going onto Tesco's website and finding that Jack Daniels is £18 a bottle or two for £25.......that'll do nicely ;D ;D
  3. Buster growling, barking and dancing away from a sappy piece of wood hissing on my open fire ;D
  4. No you can't, we used it for the first time last Tuesday/Wednesday and it was interesting to see the difference in weights in the cows and the calves. For every honest business there seems to be 2 dishonest ones out there......
  5. Funny that, we bought a set of weigh cells and a galvanised platform at work for similar reasons last week......we want to make sure that we aren't being ripped off when we sell cows to the meat trade, just helps us keep tabs on weaning weights and other things too a well
  6. Those Weighlog's are good bits of kit Marky, we had one on an old JCB 525-67 on the estate I used to work on, it certainly helped us to keep tabs on what we were loading on lorries when drivers weren't paying attention
  7. Not diesel in the end, a pipe has split on the AP unit and nearly drained the back end, won't be fixed until tomorrow due to dealers not having the pipe in group stock.
  8. Yeah, new one should be ordered in the spring for delivery just before harvest next year as it stands at the moment. No decisions made on what yet though
  9. Seeing two oily looking trails down the road tonight when I took my mate some seed up to the field with the JCB then getting back to the yard to find the origin of them.......yup you guessed it, big puddle under my 6920s of what appears to be diesel >
  10. Nope came out easily luckily
  11. Been ploughing and drilling one of the ex potato fields Friday........well I warned the boss the first few ends of the field were wet : ;D ;D He went on to get stuck twice more blocking the drill up each time
  12. We grew 14 acres this year and have the same area penciled in the rotation for next year, only have 95 cows plus calves so don't need a greater area than that as the cows will spend most of the winter outside
  13. We're actually going to drill our own next year with our Vaderstad box drill as we weren't happy with the drilling carried out by our contractor this year. Not sure on what row spacing we are planning yet as its a long way off yet, know of at least one other large farm doing it this way as well as they got fed up with being jerked about by the same contractor who is also his neighbour
  14. One contractor around here drills it on 18 inch rows, have seen some on 24 inch and some on 30 inch as well, no set row spacings as such for it, seems to vary farmer to farmer at times and between areas on preferences
  15. Whats annoyed me tonight is the way some people think they can get away with treating others. Our 4 Bulgarian workers left us today for another farm in the west of England (won't be any more specific) and I've just heard from one of them that their caravan there has no hot water, no pillows, stinks and the nearest shop is 3-4 miles away with no transport available, I'm sure the farmer in question wouldn't live like it so why should they expect them to? We looked after them, would take them shopping, to/from bus stops and do anything we could to make there stay with us enjoyable and comfortable, we basically treated them as equals, they're a nice, extremely hard working group who deserve to be treated better than that >
  16. Britains MF 7480.......I feel so dirty ;D but to make up for it 6 each of the UH Ford 7810 and 7810 SJ
  17. I have the whole weekend off after finishing harvesting the potatoes at 5.30pm last night, first weekend off since July so its a bit overdue
  18. My 6920s again! This time electrical gremlins, first none of the auxilary sockets work in the cab first thing and now when they are working the radio has packed up completely! Its going to be a long day on the potato harvester with no radio considering how much time I spend sitting waiting for a trailer!
  19. Its an insulated, heated and sealed box into which the potatoes are put for a period of time (usually overnight) to speed up the process of any bruising showing itself
  20. Got the morning off due to overnight rain and showers this morning as we are unable to lift potatoes for long term storage in the wet, should know lunchtime as to wether or not we are going to have a go this afternoon as at the moment there isn't enough time between showers/downpours to load a trailer
  21. Not in this area Marcus, its not uncommon to see a job advert for a "Head Tractor Driver" advertised locally. Quite often its on the mid size farms not on the large multi thousand acre units though where it is the ploughman, combine driver, fertiliser/sprayman type job allocations. I know of one unit locally where there is a head tractor driver, albeit unofficial in job title but two of the other younger members of staff seem to think they are and have regular battles of ego with eachother. Seems to be a not uncommon occurance with the younger generation these days either, they think that they know the lot from their year or two of learning how the text book says it should be done at college and are then unwilling to listen to someone who has been doing the job for several years, yes there are the good ones who will listen and will go a long way but they seem to be out numbered by the ones with a massive chip on their shoulders who have those of us in the job tearing our hair out trying to get them to do the job right. The other problem with learning leavers coming straight into management positions is that they often have limited practical knowledge of how things really work and that what looks good in the pages of the management textbook or sales leaflet doesn't always work in practice leading to problems down the line.
  22. Too be honest Marcus I don't really take any notice of it anymore, I've not used a full frame machine so can't comment on that one. The main beam also acts as an oil reservoir on here so the large surface area helps with keeping the oil cool compared to having one large tank on the machine. I was told the bruising scores yesterday for the first two fields I lifted, we had a 0 which was excellent, a 10 which was good and a 35 which was horrendous, we can't work the latter one out from a harvester point of view as to get it that bad I would have to be doing something seriously wrong. My personal opinion is that they got some what had been dropped into the bottom of the bulker during loading. We are now looking at getting our own hotbox to monitor this ourselves The tank is used to spray water onto the cleaning rollers in dry conditions to get soil to stick to them to help minimise bruising and assist with crop flow in the machine I believe it is wheat going in there next, its on land we rent for potatoes off our neighbour so can't be too sure. That end of the field is nice, the other end is more stone than soil.
  23. Nope as I wasn't the one driving it, so far I've not smashed any glass out of my 6920s with the haulm topper this year but have done with the two on the trailers. Somehow the stone managed to hit below bonnet level on the windscreen on the side of the tractor furthest away from me with the harvester and topper
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