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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. 35 acres Sean, we don't usually grow them but the Environment Agency threatened to cut down our water abstraction licence as we hadn't used all the allowance for the past couple of years so we rented out a field for carrots to someone as the land in question is too full of disease to grow spuds on, the 5 acres of spuds we did plant on that field are riddled with Potato Cyst Nematode anyway which decimates the yield. We're only doing the irrigation on them so using our allowance up hopefully this year keeping the EA off our backs
  2. This is our high tech method of avoiding getting wet from leaking taps when we turn them on ;D The chart we use to determine what retraction speed we set the reel on and what nozzle we use in the rain gun
  3. Thought I'd get you a few pictures of what I've spent an hour doing at work today (and it actually went right first time hence why it only took an hour), we're running our irrigation pump 24-7 at the moment to get water on the spuds and carrots, the spuds are now on their third pass and the carrots are getting their second pass, each pass should be putting on roughly 25mm of water. These pictures are from the carrot field which is the reel I've done today, the boss has been looking after the other one on the spuds where its taking 24 - 30 hours to come in due to the length of the field. Halfway across Nearly there..... There at last...... Its a relief when this happens on the first attempt There's no way I'm coming in to move it at that time of night ;D
  4. Yes we are, should be having a Case Puma CVX, MF 7485 or 7490, Valtra T172 or 182 Direct, maybe a Deutz-Fahr and maybe a John Deere 7430 but the latter is unlikely now
  5. 5 footers on straw or there abouts as the size registering bit of the control box was playing up The joys of Autopower, no need for clutching if I don't want to just use the brakes, although even the clutch pedal is very light anyway with it just being a switch And as for you Marky........I've suddenly swung more towards the blue tractor when this is replaced........oh and two words...the second is off ;D ;D
  6. Been to work this morning to move the irrigator........sounds simple doesn't it 3.5 hours later it was going, it involved moving pipes and an incident with the gearing guards on the reel shattering but all sorted now. Also been told we'll be looking to go combining Monday, OSR if it will go (and I hope it will as the sideknife is all fitted on and header adjusted for it) or spring barley.........................you've gone home too early Alex ;D ;D
  7. Well I have to worry about the bale shape as they are for a large well known turkey producer to use in their sheds, poor bales would mean we would lose the job of doing them again so better to let someone else do a half decent job of it in mine and the farmers opinion. On the rain front we've only had 10 - 12 mm in the past 4-5 weeks so its pretty dry about here, if they talked of any we were going to let the Flaggon get wet then bale it when it had just about dried out, clutching at straws as my poor balers slip clutch was reaching meltdown......don't they stink when they get smokingly hot too ;D
  8. He is indeed, made a change to have some company to talk to during the day It was perfect to bale Tris on the field in the pictures, the variety there was Otter for malting, the other two fields of Otter were also perfect however the fields of Flaggon barley were an absolute nightmare to bale, the straw was so dry and brittle that it actually smashed to pieces as soon as it hit the pick up and once i did manage to get it into the baler it kept falling out again then going back in in a big lump jamming the baler solid.....suffice to say I gave up in the end after numerous collapsed bales, 2 broken chains, one knackered bearing and a terribly bad mood and high blood pressure. One of our other neighbours has now baled that up with a Claas Rollant, it went a bit bbetter but he was struggling as well at times and said they had the same problem with their own Flaggon when he baled it. Not quite sure of how many acres I've baled but would guess that its between 60 and 70 and have done 452 5' diameter bales so roughly 6-8 bales to the acre which I don't think is too bad, will find out for definate off our neighbour tomorrow what the area was
  9. That may not be an issue with my tractor in the future
  10. I'm about 10 mins from Wells Ben, doubt we'll be working at the weekend, only got one days baling left now, weather permitting
  11. Ah but Buster couldn't take the pictures Yup, they were out to it again this morning for fuel problems, replaced the same part as last time as well
  12. Our neighbour started cutting his barley yesterday so I've been baling it up when the baler's been behaving. I've got a few pictures of baling today taken by my passenger this afternoon, our very own Alex (goon) who's on holiday nearby, I believe he may post some up on his return as well
  13. Is now a bad time to mention that there's combines going all over the place here today. I've been baling behind a Lexion this afternoon, other neighbours are going with their Tucano, another with a Lexion and one our spud growing partners with some piece of red junk ;D
  14. My baler........pickup height retaining brace gave out on the first round of the barley field, got that fixed and an idler sprocket flew apart along with a few net wrap issues.........somethings still amiss with it tonight so gave up at 9.30pm, will have an investigation in the driveline tomorrow
  15. I do keep bringing this up with my mate when he complains about his ST's economy, he has lead foot disease as well at times ;D Not sure if it helps when i mention that my aging Discovery is returning 35 mpg though ;D
  16. I was looking more at the off road tyres, snorkel (handy for avoiding low drifting combine dust ) and cb aerial, had forgotten about all the interior tricks those things had I think I'm going to have to have a look at my Garmin and see what I can do with it. Will try my best with the Dominator, just depends where I'm working. If you find your way up into North Norfolk though there's several of them about still
  17. I see the Mitsi is equipped with everything you may need for extreme combine photography ;D ;D One of our neighbours started cutting barley here today so I heard on the jungle drums, I would imagine our nearest neighbour will start this week at some point too, I can get baling then. Want to try and get some pictures of our other neighbours 200 series Dominator if I can this year, I love those old things
  18. How ever did you fit your not inconsiderable bulk into that size gap mate ;D ;D
  19. A good advert for MF then mate, looking forward to seeing how our demo goes in September as I keep hearing good things. Personally I'd find someone who would be willing to let you hang a two leg subsoiler or cultivator on Hattie for a day or two over the next couple of months though, give her a bit of real hard work, will make a difference to her in the long run
  20. Been doing some more decorating in my house, just about got everywhere done now......I'd got fed up with the purple in the second bedroom and the Leyland-esque blue in the bathroom left by my predecessor, three coats has done a fair job of covering them
  21. Nice pictures and updates Martin You really do have to ask yourself what goes through the heads of these bods when they suggest something like bottled water for cattle ;D ;D
  22. Yeah I do but in fairness its the first time its let me down in the two years I've owned it or cost me anything other than routine servicing and wear and tear in that time although I suppose the clutch may fall into that category too \
  23. Just had my Discovery delivered back to me after last weeks little breakdown, garage had to come this way on a recovery so they put it on the lorry as they were passing which saves me a trip to get it and someone a trip to pick me up
  24. Thats terrible news Mike I may not agree with them being out there but I do admire them for what they are doing. My own cousin has just retired from the Army at 40 years old, his last tour of duty being in Afghanistahn so we were relieved when he returned home safe. We dread to think of what he's seen and been through out there as of all the tours he's been on its this last one that seems to have had the most effect on him, my Uncle has said he's not the same person he was before he went away but is slowly starting to settle down again now.
  25. I'm just guessing too as I've not heard that term used before either
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