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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. I can't stand the smell of coffee Sean let alone the taste which is why I haven't used it \
  2. Cheeky *** Probably more fencing and getting another field sorted on it, you're right though finding the crop material isn't easy \
  3. It does Ben, but just need to modify the front towing bar of it slightly, I may yet redesign the whole gun so it is more realistic The carrying frame stays up ok on all 5 of my irrigators, I haven't modified any of them
  4. Its fixed in place Jez as for what I wanted to do with it it was going to be easier. I don't remember the fiver bit Marcus, tea yes, biscuits maybe but money will make me break out into a cold sweat :D Thanks mate Its a mixture of three different scatters, 'dark earth', 'fine earth' and 'fine soil' as each on there own didn't look right
  5. Just got home from doing the daily feed at work, now cooking breakfast and then it'll be another day on my layout
  6. Cheers guys. Soil would be too messy to work with and get into shape for the potato field Jez, this looked like the easiest and cleanest way of doing it. I might use soil for the next field but not sure yet
  7. I've now given the potato ridges another coating of scatter and put the fence posts in round some of the yard and field eagerly assisted by my faithful helper of course :D
  8. Thanks Steve, There's more Claas stuff in boxes still as well I certainly will be getting an Arion or 2 when they come out
  9. I've done a bit more today, unfortunately for Martin the potatoes are all done in house so there's no land for him to rent in fact its the potato field that I've been working on today, only a small bit to start with but I'm quite pleased with how its turned out so far. Th ridges were made with 12mm window beading and then covered with scatter material. They will be getting another coat of scatter once the glue has dried on this coat I've also painted the yard with more of a concrete coloured stone effect paint, need another can though except the shop has sold out
  10. Thats the joy of living alone Thanks mate, had the choice of two spare rooms but thought I'd better leave the bigger of the two as a spare bedroom for now
  11. Why do you think its 3 feet off the ground, even a flatulent spaniel can't get there at the minute I will be painting the room at some point, just had enough of decorating for now I've not cut anything on the barns down at all yet Ben, only the ridges and gutters will be trimmed
  12. Been doing a bit more on the shed this afternnon, it's gained another bay I'm going to keep to the Britains buildings as with a bit of creative engineering you can keep extending them by gluing them together Just have the guttering and ridge to sort out now on it. A couple of inside shots showing the Tucano parked up for winter and the Stoll on the Celtis
  13. Thanks for the comments guys, off to Focus again tomorrow for some more board and timber while their sale is on Cheers mate, will be a mixed unit when I've got it going, I didn't buy 100+ cows off ebay for nothing last year :D Who pulled your chain :D
  14. Well I'm afraid that I've finally caught he bug now I'm in my own house and started to turn the spare room into a fam layout Not done too much to it yet, one side of the room is now boarded out measuring 2.4m x 1m, the entire room ityself only measures 2.4m square approx so is not overly big. The road has also been positioned on the board and painted on using Stone Effect paint (Manhatten Mist if anyone is wondering). Will try to keep the topic updated as I do more to it
  15. He isn't a large farmer but a contractor who has all the biggest, most expensive kit, undercuts everyone else to get business after buying it, ignores farmers wishes at times treating their land as his own and just has a habit of rubbing people up the wrong way. I know of two farms where he isn't welcome for various reasons I won't go into here
  16. One of a large number of people who don't, I know more people that don't like him than those that do :
  17. Done a quick 5 minute mod to the beet harvester drawbar, just pull the pin out that olds it onto the chassis, turn the drawbar 180 degrees so the PTO shaft is on top and then refit the pin. It will now fit onto most tractor models, ok so the PTO shaft isn't attached where it should be but at least the machine fits onto a tractor
  18. Bound to but from what I can make out with the boss from what was said he decided to unroll the sheet half way off the ladder at he front instead of using the pole on the ground so unfortunately looks like its his own fault as all safety precautions were in place \
  19. My workmate is in hospital, only found out today but he fell off a trailer yesterday whilst undoing the rollover sheet and landed on the concrete injuring his back. Turns out he has chipped a bone in his spine so is likely to be off for 2 months or more, not a good xmas for him and his family
  20. Depends how much you want to bend it and what type of tube, round or square. With round you can put a bit of wire up inside it and bend it that way, will stay in shape then unless of course you need the tube hollow
  21. Good to see they respond so quickly mate It isn't just Land Rover who don't tighten things properley at the factories either, we had no end of pipes come loose when we had the two new Renaults where I used to work, makes you wonder about the QC on them
  22. Not good mate, I can see another doctors visit as well, can usually get straight in with my history of lung problems as well. Hate going there though
  23. Thats exactly what I don't want to happen mate, its what one of my bosses said happened to her as well so I'm being cautious
  24. I got this cold bug whats going about mate, ended up turning into a chest infection so not been to work for 10 days, was told not to go back tomorrow by bosses if I don't feel right so taking their advice, can do without making it worse for Christmas
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