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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Can you not try the other type of share with the reversible points on that plough Ricky? Is there any sign of a flaw in the shares along the line of the break? I would definately put a block of wood under them though before sitting it on the concretethat point has a lot of leverage on the share with how far it sticks out, certainly worth a try. I've only ever had one share break in the thousands of acres I've ploughed and that was due to a rock but have always set mine on a long piece of wood going under the share and landside on a couple of the bodies
  2. How worn are the shares Ricky and is it only the side of the plough that sits on the floor when in the shed thats affected? Setting a plough directly onto concrete is never a good idea, always better to put a block of wood beneath the share to keep the point of the ground as it certainly will cause some form of damage or stress in that area if not
  3. Done my shopping, got a few tools from Mum's ready to try and tame the meadow lawn tomorrow and just put some double glazing up on 3 windows in my house.........gotta love these old farm cottages
  4. We do it a bit different here and it seems to work, a similar approach is take by Strawsons as well 1.Spread muck, either turkey or cow 2.Cultivate/Terra-Disc 3.Flatlift/sub-soil 4.Bedform (often twice to get depth right) 5.De-stone 6.Plant Seems a bit pointless ploughing really as you can't get deep enough sensibly without breaking things and it often leaves the ground to wet to work in the spring. we work on 72" beds, that or 80" is the norm these days as modern tractors don't squeeze into 60" very easily
  5. The boss is going to look at that side of it once we have had all of the ploughs out on demo, both spurious and genuine although I know that in the case of Rabe and a few of the others spurious parts cannot be obtained for them yet. My side is just evaluating the field performance and fuel consumption of the ploughs
  6. Had to keep it going late last night, didn't want to bounce another plough down a mile of very rough seaside track Went back today with the Terra Disc to pull out the headland furrows, worth it for the view off the fields Still taking our beet away as well so snapped the Hanomag again Someone was sizing up my Mars bar as well :D
  7. Had a Pottinger plough on demo yesterday and some of Wednesday, good plough and does a very good job even in trashy conditions. It also pulled easily using the least diesel so far of any plough Had a nice view all day yesterday too
  8. I went to the now long gone Coventry plant about 9-10 years ago and if you had a camera they were confiscated due to the threat of industrial espionage so I don't hold out much hope for you over there Marky
  9. If he buys a Kv he can use the bloody thing :D they're overated, over priced and look weak in the critical places. They're one up from the bottom of my list I'm afraid, I'd take the Dowdeswell, Kuhn or Rabe over it any day
  10. They should be fitted this week having a bit of trouble getting back tyres the right size at the minute though I'll see what I can do in the morning before I take it back to the dealers
  11. Certainly is, we await the quote with interest He answers to many names We have Lemken, Pottinger and Gregoire Besson left now. Favourite so far would be the Rabe I think, its also the dearest
  12. Video of ploughing the headlands before they got too wet, plough working at 18 inch furrows Nice level bit of ploughing And of course "Cab Hound" :D
  13. Been ploughing again today with the Kverneland LB85 demonstrator, not a plough that I'd really like as it has some of the same problems as our old one, especially with the wheel jamming up when you turn it over! Here's a few pics of it anyway Few gulls about as well
  14. No we all know thats a lie as you would never grace the seat of my John Deere with your personage :D
  15. Well it was dry on top but had a few 100% wheel slip moments that required a bit of reversing to get out of it but 10 inches deep its still rather damp. Not going anywhere near our stubble turnip, forage rape or kale stubbles yet, far too wet to travel on Just following the hedge I started against which is a slight curve, would make too much mess straightening it out with how wet the ground is
  16. Just one picture from today, the water table is a little bit high in this field, this is what the furrow looked like after I'd been stopped half an hour for lunch Made getting back across the field interesting to say the least
  17. Do what I do David, make sure no one is about when you take the pictures :D Think we have about another 100 to calve yet, 12 more first timers and the rest are all older cows
  18. Few pics for you of 2 of our 4 calves that have been born so far, these are from two of the older cows, having a bit of trouble getting the black one to feed at the minute, was born last night, brown one was born wednesday afternoon Black is a bull calf, brown is a hiefer
  19. I often have the side window open when working, good to hear the engine note
  20. Being told that I'm getting a new set of tyres all round on my 6920s instead of just front ones....unless he changes his mind again
  21. Calves........first i get kicked by one on the shin then we have one that won't feed from the cow despite our best efforts........only had 4 born so far so can't see things improving yet
  22. The booms fold vertically and hinge half way along their length so they look like an upside down V when folding Cerin Got a brochure on one somewhere if I can find it The TMA was used more for applying things like herbicide granules and slug pellets, only powders and granules not for liquids Sean
  23. I have to say my neighbour where I used to live had 2 7810's and they did sound nice but and its a big but, they had both been turbo'd and tweaked to god knows what hp, both pulled like trains, could here them from over a mile away
  24. Mine would have to be the Renault 106-54, or any of the 6 cylinder 54 series for that matter, the MWM lumps sound great
  25. Ours all turned up 2-3 weeks ago now John, got several ton's of it this year as we didn't get much wheat in in the autumn due to the weather
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