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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. The builder not turning up once again at my house when he says he will, don't know why the farm keep using him
  2. I was hoping either yourself or BGU would comment on this Robbo and put us straight on it, in a better position than most of us to know
  3. The information I just put here came from the police, an expert on the subject in fact. before I was told this I'd always been led to believe it was 3 cars but was told there was no set amount of cars you could have behind you before you were forced to stop as in a lot of cases there is no where to stop on roads for several miles at a time, especially about here, so it isn't possible to make that sort of restriction. I've had 50+ cars behind me on the A47 behind and that was just between two layby's and included a police var, nothing I could do about it though
  4. Wrong, there is no limit on the number of vehicles behind you before you pull over, the offence occurs if you go past a convenient place where you could have pulled over to let the vehicles past, be it layby or large hard verge, junction mouths don't count as its then another offence, obstruction of the highway. Inconsiderate driving I believe is the offence they can get you on for it
  5. Ploughing and drilling wheat behind potatoes and sugarbeet if the fields ever dry out enough
  6. I was going slow, was expecting it to be slippery but not to have a stoved in car sitting there
  7. We've had a few unseasonal sharp frosts this week Rick, down to -5 a couple of times, it rained overnight at the farm so the road had water running across it when it froze so was like a skating rink. Already slid there once this week, this was a lucky escape though
  8. An extremely icey corner on the road near the farm at work resulting in a temporary loss in traction and me aiming the discovery through a gateway into the strawberry field this morning The ice had already badly damaged one car there this morning, mine is undamaged luckily
  9. I actually have a whole weekend off, first one for a few weeks. Need to get the paintbrushes out in my house now, want to get moved to the farm asap, fuel is getting too expensive @ 44 miles a day not to mention the weather
  10. Finally finished potato harvesting in extremely wet conditions with the harvester sliding about in the mud. Back to ploughing now
  11. Should hopefully finish the last 3 acres of spuds tomorrow, would have finished today only it rained. Hoping to have a whole weekend off this weekend, need a break! Think we are about 25-30 miles from Norwich there
  12. Potato harvesting, waiting for a trailer again. Sharp frost here last night so need these last few acres out asap before they get damaged
  13. If its any help to you Ricky my 6920s Autopower with a 40k box will do 46.5 k so unlike a Case or NH the autopower will do more than its rated speed
  14. Potato harvesting, currently sitting waiting for a trailer again so on my phone. Fairly wet under foot but light land so we're still going.
  15. Wait till Marky see's this, Barry repairing a Ferguson, whatever next :D
  16. I paid to advertise on here when I was running 1-32 Farm Implements as my main income and when I wanted to promote it, I think you will find that he straw stacks topic is the only one of mine that mentions a price in it and only then because I wasn't sure what the items were worth, in any other one of my topics you will see that any comments about pricing will have been answered by pm as far as I know but seeing as though some people seem to have the time to trawl through the archives to aggravate the current situation I'll be corrected soon enough if I'm wrong As for the silage clamp comment, that topic was put on here as I thought it may have been of interest to members to see how it was built, at no point when I set out making it was it intended to go on sale but due to lack of space I put it on ebay. I could run my whole business through a topic on here showing my whole product line but why would I want to? people would get fed up with it. Anyone who says running a website is expensive needs to look into it a bit more before making such comments as the total running costs for mine so far are under £30 for 2 years which can hardly be described as expensive
  17. Not a very constructive response, and contrary to what you may think, we, as a team were getting several complaints about selling from topics on the Forum. As said by other members of the team and Andy, we are trying to make it a level playing field for all, making it fair on those members/sellers who do play by the rules and/or pay to advertise on here. Members don't come on here to see posts in topics saying "How much" or "Would you sell it", this is what we want to try and exercise control over, not the posting of pictures of peoples conversions. The best way forward is still being finalised so please feel free to make constructive suggestions to us, either in here or by pm to any member of the mod team, remember we are all volunteers who give up our time to try and make this place enjoyable for one and all and are always open to any suggestions from members
  18. Its not just that Deere Kev, its a trait of those Amazone power harrows/drill combinations, we had the same with our 4m one on 4 different tractors, most implements you can get away with it but when you have a drill on the back it needs to be lifted higher which will cause the joints to knock, I have seen a pto shaft yoke split before (on our Amazone) and it wasn't a pretty sight so best just to shut off as its no great hardship to do.
  19. I don't know if this is any help to you but heres a link to a topic on a silage clamp that I built a while back, several details that you may find usefull in there http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=22646.0
  20. Don't know whats wrong with it yet but I've had an incling all day something was brewing as the backend smelt hotter than normal \ Its in constant pumping all the time its harvesting as the tractor hydraulics power the elevator, spreader table and all the hydraulic rams on the machine so it does get fairly hot even with a free flow return fitted, just a different smell to it today as odd as it may sound
  21. One good bit of advice, don't try too hard to keep straight as the harder you try the bendier it gets, it may sound a load of rubbish but its actually true. If you used the markers and were centre marking (mark in field was centre of the bonnet) look as far ahead as you can as it is easier to stay straight that way
  22. Nice pictures Kev looks like you had fun. Thats a good drill to start off with as well, nice and simple compared to a lot of them these days 3m drill is 8 bouts to a tramline pass on 24m, tramlines are where the fun begins
  23. Wasn't bad going when it dried out. I wish I could windrow but theres two reasons I can't, the harvester isn't fitted with a kit for it and the flail profile in the topper is wrong so would slice them to ribbons if I windrowed \ We now have the problem that we have nearly run out of shed space for the Dell until the barley has all gone which should be early next week. Another 30 or so acres left to lift yet as well...............may be a while before we get going tomorrow though as the 6920s is blowing oil out of the backend again, nice trail down the road and all over the cab
  24. Yeah, as it stood Saturday morning we were going to be lifting yesterday but the grading staff and trailer chaps started protesting and managed to talk the boss into giving us the day off, too far for me to come for one day with the travelling both ways unfortunately \
  25. I know I'm correct as my late Father sold them during the 80's
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