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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. It's the drill thats the problem Ricky, the mud balls up in front of the press wheels and you just can't move it, it even had my 6920s on its knees saturday when I found a couple of damp patches. If that had been a mounted drill he'd have got through it no problems
  2. Oops! This was a big lake when we harvested the spuds, I managed to plough it and it didn't go over too bad however it turened out to be fairly wet when the drill tried to go through it :
  3. The 6810 on the drill, sounded really nice pulling it and pulls it well
  4. Had a Lemken on demo the past day or so, thats now all of them apart from a Gregoire Besson, no too worried now as we don't think that would be chosen anyway. As I'm ploughing again we've put duals on the old 6810 and thats now drilling, giving the old thing a clear out as it hasn't been worked like this for a while. Bit tougher going on this bit, one of last years spud fields As a comparison, our Kv on the same field
  5. I never have the marker down on the last headland run apart from on the side of the field where I'm going to carry on drilling, no point really. We have talked about getting GPS but thats more for bedforming than drilling, at the minute its an expensive item that we can live without
  6. Coat hanger wire is ideal, when they go out at 90 degrees to your body or cross over you're on top of or near the pipe, sounds a bit easier than a bit of sappy willow to me :D
  7. Get yourself a couple of small L shaped metal rods Murray and go divining for the drain, you'll be surprised how accurate that method can be, found several land drains like that in the past, the simple methods are the best ones
  8. Gav836


    I got made redundant from there 2.5 years ago when my 836 (190hp) was sold and the 816 (165hp) was kept by the new owners, was replaced 6 months later by a JD 6920s On a different theme can you please not use text talk on here
  9. A Terra-Disc is a good tool for levelling ground and mixing in trash BUT if you do a lot of ground with it and it turns wet you can forget getting back on it for a good while as they seem to smear the ground beneath so the water can't drop through \
  10. We waste less seed that way with overlaps as to turn the drill round sensibly you need 18-20m, only drill them first if the ground is dry enough to take it though
  11. Gav836


    Both my 836 and the 816 were bought in December 2003, mine was a September model, ex demo with 600hrs and the 816 was slightly newer with only 14 hrs on the clock, they were probably the first tractors delivered by Manns in this area after the Claas takeover, wouldn't think there were many more orange ones sold after that time
  12. Gav836


    Some nice tidy tractors there, I'm a big fan of the 54 sries as well as the newer models. They do look very well cared for and in much better condition than the 106-54 I drove, 10,000hrs and well used My old 836 is still my favourite tractor that I've had at any job, used to try and keep that as clean as possible as well. Heres a couple of pics of her with a 6 furrow Lemken Euro 8
  13. A few pictures from yesterday drilling No GPS in use here The headlands all driiled, all 4.5 ha of them The field finished, 12.3ha but drilled area was 13ha, big difference made by all the scoots. Looking out towards Blakeney Point Breakfast time :D
  14. Yes they are McCormick overalls, my JD ones are ripped and these were given to me free of charge so they'll do for now No I haven't put weight on Marcus, those cabs are a bit cramped, I've lost weight in fact Still got some good going, moved closer to home now, should get all thats ploughed drilled by the end of tomorrow
  15. I leave a big headland so all my ins and outs are the inside of the headland tramline, makes it smoother for spraying then I had a friend come out and see me today so she took some pictures of me drilling the first field of Tipple spring Barley Yes that is dust blowing too, just to rub it in John :D
  16. One video for you from today, should start drilling the spring barley tomorrow so will try to get some pictures for you all
  17. My boss tends to communicate by text, not good as we have these locked works mobiles where you can only dial the 20 numbers programmed in and not send texts so can't reply to him, that is if they have signal. Annoys the hell out of me, whats wrong with a phone call?
  18. I hate to tell you this Paul but the sea defence has washed out just over from where I was ploughing last Thursday so you might have another trip there at some point :D There is another way we can get to the fields at Salthouse from Langham but it involves a narrow 3.2m wide 18t mgw bridge, can just squeeze over it with the Terra Disc and Vaderstad but got to get it right, just easier going down the coast road
  19. I don't think its changed much Paul, I caused chaos trying to get through there with a 3m wide Terra Disc Friday which was fun For those that don't know it, its a very narrow little coastal village popular with second home owners, buildings are right on the edge of the road and theres a couple of nice sharp blind bends thown in for good measure, not the best place to get through with machinery
  20. You missed out eating anything and everything disgusting and emitting noxious gases Tris :D That video is actually part two of the feather-gate affair, just uploading part one at the minute which is just as amusing :D
  21. Finally got ploughing again today, unfortunately its with my old wreck plough, but got a few pics, spot the difference on my tractor now though ;D ;D Nice view again today, looking over towards Cley on the North Norfolk coast I thought that this might be of interest to the Massey Massive as well, the farms water cart where I was ploughing today, we only contract farm the land for them
  22. Buster with a seagull feather....he'd never seen a feather before and I happened to have my camera handy :D
  23. Why would you think Seans 1250 is for sale anyway? I can't recall any mention of it ever being for sale so why ask the price? Many members on here build solely for their own collection, they don't want to be asked how much they want or be made daft offers for it. If its for sale it will be stated in the topic and in the relevant section on here only then is it acceptable to start pm'ing a member for the price
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