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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. The farm owners/my landlords/bosses came round to see me, find out how I'm settling in and how I am after being ill for 10 days and to bring a xmas card with a bonus in it, totally unexpected
  2. Well at least you're gonna be in a good mood in the morning :D :D
  3. I do have the Stoll one as the lads say and it is indeed euro hitch spec so either the tractor you fit it to will need modifying to attach it or the harvester will, definately worth the money though
  4. Not long at the minute, caught him chewing the wires a couple of times and trying to get the keyboard :D
  5. Coughing, feeling lousy while chasing a puppy round the house before being nibbled (forgotten how sharp puppy teeth were ) and licked, he's finally asleep again now :D
  6. Some more details on that here including brochure download http://www.standen.co.uk/HOLMER%20TERRA-FELIS/
  7. Mine are brown box editions and suffer with the same divider fault
  8. The spud bulker turning up 90 mins later than first said, its too cold to be outside grading them once it stars getting dark
  9. It got better, he brought his mate with him so we had a brand new Verveat and a 2004 model working in the same field, I have some pictures on my phone to post up when I get my internet sorted
  10. That is a nice looking set up I wouldn't want to be the one at the wheel if VOSA pulled in onto a weighbridge though fully laden
  11. Thats one wild dream you had there Simon........have pigs learnt to fly yet :D :D
  12. Damned geese paddling about on our barley again and still no internet access at my house so over mums again
  13. That would be a Riecam Sean We have the contractor coming to get our first beet out at work this week, think he has a nearly new Verveat now so will try to get pictures of it
  14. Its made by someone else, can't remember the name of the company but I believe Lemken bought them a couple of years back
  15. Thats nothing lads, when I done GCSE Geography my teacher tried to tell me and the other farming lads that spring cereals were harvested in the spring and winter cereals in winter as thats what the text book said was right :
  16. Mines the Autopower Chris, seems they are the ones that are trouble along with a few of the PQ ones
  17. It had the new transmission before I started working there so nothing to do with me
  18. Reports locally on the 30 series are no better, several die hard JD fans have switched to other brands now due to experiences with 20/30 series models. Be interesting to see what happens. I do know that there have been a few diff problems with the 8*30 series though by an engineers own admission
  19. You don't know half of the problems we've had lately mate, the 6420s had a hospital stay due to a driveshaft fault under the cab, just one thing after another, if it isn't the 6420s its my 6920s, think they work as a tag team \ The only one thats never any trouble is the 6810 with 7500 hrs on it, its never been touched other than servicing
  20. Being told by my boss that he sooner we can get rid of the John Deeres the better, there will be no more JD's coming on the farm, he's had enough of the breakdowns and repair costs for them
  21. The 6920s AGAIN.....limited slip diff in the front axle is playing up and its cut a hub seal out in the process
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