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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. The weather for the last 24 hours, heavy thunderstorms here last night, 15mm of rain fell here at home......would have been able to have kept ploughing if that had fallen at the farm 21 miles away, however got in this morning to see the floods and be told that 75mm (3 inches old money) had fallen there over night :o :o
  2. Somewhere I do, its in the old paper format though so leave that one with me carrot
  3. There's a few about this part of Norfolk Sean, my old neighbour had one pulled by an MB Trac and then a Fastrac
  4. Attempted to go ploughing today only for the draft sensor fault to return to my 6920s, have had two engineers out this afternoon and replaced it now, easier with 3 of us about to haul the pick up hitch on and off
  5. Thanks for that Erik, we all think of celery as the salad stem crop whereas there is also the celery leaf which is a type of spice when dried which is not seen here very often
  6. Are you sure thats celery Erik as it looks more like parsley to me? Nice pictures though
  7. I wish I could get round in 12m, needs nearer 18m to get the Vaderstad swung round You can add nigh on 0.4m for just the front linkage without a press on, my 6920s with linkage and weights has about 1-1.2m sticking out the front so would be about the same for a single cast ring press, go for a Sumo though and you can add 2m to the lenth of the tractor
  8. Finished drilling forage rape then changed to the fertiliser spreader to put the Nitram on all of it along with the 13ha of stubble turnips I drilled yesterday
  9. It was good going mate, would have liked to have got that block in yesterday so we could have cleaned out ready for doing the turnips, still raining this morning and should do tomorrow as well so guess I won't be back on there any time soon. Wish he'd got the blue dyed seed though so I could find it in the ground, just have to check its drilling at the end of the field and hope for the best
  10. It was still going ok until the monsoon hit Tris, I'd guess that it dropped 10-15mm on us within 30 mins, I had to go out in it to fold up eradicator tines, metering wheel, discs and clod boards so I could get back to the yard, I was soaked through within 5 mins
  11. You try drilling at 90 degrees to the previous crop on a very rough field that has only been terra disced at more than 10 kph and then pass comment, besides with only 10ha of them to put in why rush, speed isn't everything
  12. And what it looked like 10 minutes later...........the roads were flooded on the way back to the yard as was the farmyard
  13. The control box showing ground speed, Ha covered and tramline bout number
  14. Today I have had the 6920s on the Vaderstad drilling 'Swift' Forage rape/kale hybrid into some of the land that I Terra Disced earlier in the week. This will be grazed on by the cattle over winter. Not too many pics I'm afraid as we were hit by torrential rain after a little while. Anyway view to the front and back
  15. Its one of those whose to say situations, once that the baler is sorted I'm sure that it will put in many more years service as will the combine, personal opinion though is that it will be the 6920s and 6420s that get changed, possibly the 6810 but as thats never been any trouble I doubt it'll go
  16. Well the latest one seems to be a wierd one as it was consistantly showing up all yesterday but here's no trace of it today and the offending sensor is behaving itself, we've put it down to the excessively rough travelling with the Terra disc
  17. We shouldn't be cutting it either, apparently what the neighbour called our boss out of his ear shot for doing so is unrepeatable :D Well spotted, I was doing it at 90 degrees to the tramlines and it was bleeding rough, I'm rather sore around the waist area today from doing so. Colleague should be doing the cultivating tomorrow if it stays dry while I start drilling the stubble turnips on what I pulled up yesterday
  18. We get the feeling that we may never find out on this farm, probably be a change of colour in the future
  19. I haven't had to do anything to help the Deere, its quite capable of self destructing it would seem
  20. A few of our remaining fatteners and one of our bulls in solitary after finishing his job with the cows, his name is Balmoral, we have two more bulls beside him as well
  21. Nice bit of barley going in the tank and view towards Blakeney Point from the field
  22. Joystick controls and pillar display
  23. I also had to go on the combine when the boss went for tea, decided to get some spring barley in before it rained
  24. Today I have been Terra discing with my Galloping Goat which has once more gone wrong, that damned 6920s is eating through its nine lives on the farm quickly I think. Using a Terra disc when you have to stop the engine every 5 minutes to get the draft sensors working again is no fun, another warning about low transmission oil pressure too, not good Anyway heres some pics for you
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