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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Started off wet today so started to overhaul the haulm topper but then it got out warm, windy and sunny so we managed to get back on with combining and baling the wheat this afternoon so turned out quite well
  2. We wouldn't normally do it straight behind the combine either but given the current weather situation its better to have it wrapped up so we can get the fields cleared than to have acres of wet straw laying about. There's a 35 acre field still laying there from last Monday that I can't get into, even after 3 days dry you could still wring the straw out yesterday
  3. You're not alone, I done the same thing with my 6920s last night baling, listening to it growl each time I started off again or pushed the AP stick forward a bit
  4. The boss drives the combine, so far this year we've got two bent up rear lights and brackets, a removed jockey wheel from the trolley and a concave full of soil. It seems he doesn't watch the backend when he's turning Wet here again this morning so will be a few days before we're cutting again \
  5. Cheers Sean, I got closer after that but 100m is close enough when you see the condition of the rear end of the combine....dents, bent lights....I like my bonnet in one piece :D
  6. Thanks guys. That bit is going in to grazing rye oh carroty one
  7. Thanks Texas, baling isn't a bad job when the machine behaves itself. The plough isn't too bad but its about 20 years old and twisted slightly so is a complete cow to try and get aligned properly
  8. 6920s ploughing and the baler control box showing current bale size in cm
  9. Tried to resume ploughing yesterday morning as well but it was still too wet underneath to get along sensibly. Kverneland 5f LD85 and a Dowdeswell press
  10. The boss wanted me to keep as close to the combine as possible yesterday, was going so well until a slight net wrapping glitch caused a hold up. The baler itself is working ok now, having had a whole new density block fitted, the slip clutch did go this morning though.....damp straw
  11. Been a few days since I posted anything, mostly due to the weather but in the past couple of days we have managed to get cutting again and cut all of our spring barley and make a start on the wheat today. Got a few of pics of the JD in action
  12. Of course you mean you were pulled over to the side of the queue don't you Mandy :D
  13. The yields may still be there but the quality of whats cut won't be. Some crops this side of the water have started to sprout in the ear, or in the case of OSR actually germinating in the pods as they have got so wet. Anything what has actually lodged completey now will no doubt start to grow in the ears very quickly meaning the quality will go down and money will be lost, more so in drying costs as well, many people are now saying sod it and cutting it wet to get it in while some quality is still there and swallowing the drying costs which aren't cheap with current fuel prices
  14. Started off quite nice, still got sunshine at present, its the 3mm of rain we've had mixed in thats the problem \
  15. After how he's been treating you for the past couple of weeks I'd have told him that you were unavailable today when he rang you, after all its a Sunday which means its overtime and thats optional, there wouldn't have been a thing he could have done about it after all your last set of orders were that you wouldn't be working. I've had it happen in the past where I used to work, I was the combine driver, it rained the previous day so he gave us the day off and we all made plans so when he wanted to go combining at 2pm on August bank holiday he was by himself, it was still too wet anyway but he was fine with us over it as he knew it was his own doing
  16. On of the VW Mars reds with a yellow primer should do it
  17. Shows how localised the heaviest rain can be though mate doesn't it \
  18. Will get a picture on Monday Graham, camera batteries were flat today. Some well made items though, came direct from L.M. Bateman in Cheddleton
  19. Unloading nearly £8000 worth of new bull pens, feed barriers, gates and posts for our revamped over wintering yards then clearing up some old bales so we can start demolishing the old yard
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