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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Norfolk Farm Machinery Clubs are holding their biennial cultivations demo on Tues 9th of September at Brettenham Manor near Thetford, should be a good day if its anything like the previous ones with lots of kit working in the fields on demo plots. If anyone wants to go its free admission and free parking, more details on www.normac.uk.com
  2. Sweet FA, decided to have a complete day off from everything, just got to cook my own grub as I'm the only one here, might cook gf some as well when she comes round later if she's lucky
  3. I won't be at Spalding this time, falls right when we're harvesting spuds so as I'm the harvester driver I'll be busy, will be at Toytrac though
  4. I can wait a couple more weeks for the spuds yet, still got 100 acres to plough, 70 acres of OSR and 70 acres of Barley to drill before we change the back wheels on my tractor for harvesting. I'm off work next Tuesday but will be going to the NORMAC cultivations demo to drool over new machines ;D :D
  5. Looking to be about 3 to 4 weeks yet before we start lifting spuds, not even overhauled the harvester yet, thats one of the next workshop jobs on the list
  6. The last 3 days have been a nightmare mate so glad its at an end, the baler has been more trouble than it has all season, losing 7 hours to a major pick up problem along with lots of net problems caused by dodgy electronics, it needs to go as it'll cost a fortune to get ready for next year \ Cheers. We're all finished as I said in an earlier post.....
  7. I know, don't know why he hasn't cleaned it off, I'm not getting involved with that one too much
  8. The damage on our combine, none of which was inflicted while I was driver.....done well not to bend the unloading auger when he hit the side trying to get into a field off a narrow track
  9. Combining wheat and carting with the 6810 and 14t AS trailer One more swath to bale and then thats everything baled up, all combined as well as of 11am today
  10. Here's a few of pics of the press arm as promised Catch out for picking up Catch retracted for release
  11. It was ok once the weather cleared, part of me would like to do it but I doubt I could on health grounds. She has managed to raise £1000 ish for the East Angliam Air Ambulance though which is a good thing
  12. Off out shortly to watch my girlfriend do a skydive and then spend the rest of the day at hers as its her birthday
  13. Gav836

    Sumo Trio

    Looks a good piece of kit John, they tried one where I'm now working last year and liked it however the price tag was a bit hard to swallow at the time, still under consideration though as it will save us a lot of time combining the flatlift and terra disc into one machine
  14. I thought you would like it, chap wasn't 100% sure though. Who or what is ESPO
  15. Believe it or not the chap thinks it was Mr Fruity, just makes it all the more amusing :D
  16. Ours just wander onto the road........didn't think tarmac was in the dietry requirement :D
  17. Not seen but heard, a neighbour caught a delivery driver for a fruit and veg firm getting fruity with himself in his van while parked field gateway :D
  18. I'm glad that it isn't just our bullocks/cows/calves that don't know what fences are for
  19. I tried that with a Lemken press arm but couldn't get it to work, would release but not return the pin. The baler is sorted, plough is beyond repair really as the whole thing is twisted, at 15-20 years old its overdue an upgrade really so there's not much I can do to it. Got a project at work winter time as well by the sounds of it involving cattle barriers and a welder :D As for the other :-X :-X
  20. On the Kv arm there's a hydraulically operated catch in the end, pull the spool back to release it, then, as its on the turn over circuit, when you push the lever forward at the headland to turn the plough over it automatically pushes the catch down again, Lemken arms work on a similar set up. I can get you some pictures of the set up Monday if you like Or if your press arm is old and worn and lets go of the press going across the field....also if the press is long overdue an upgrade due to worn arms that won't pick up easily...........I refer to my current press as "Spawn of Satan" due to how damned tempermental it is. I won't even repeat what I called it earlier in an outburst when it was playing up :o :D
  21. Heres a video of me setting in at the end and picking the press up
  22. Heres a couple of ploughing pics from today, taken before we had a torrential downpour which made my furrow look like a river
  23. The view to the left and right from the top end of the field. We are less than 100m from the sea at Salthouse in these pictures. The big mound is the sea defence, it often gets breached in rough weather and floods the marsh lands
  24. Here's 3 pictures from yesterday, we had intended to cut the last 30 acres of spring barley we had on a contract farm but 10 minutes after the pictures were taken it absolutely persisted down again The combine on the first round
  25. I believe that I may have a brochure on the Markant somewhere, I can copy it if its of any help to you
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