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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. You think thats bad, I've been trying to get a Livebox wireless modem out of them for nearly 7 months now, numerous phone calls and still no box > >
  2. I know some vehicles do get used about the farm like your 205 John, my comment wasn't aimed at you And as for hay making in the wet, anyone doing that must be mentally retarded, wasting a years worth of growth and the feed stuff for the next winter like that Ours is still standing in the field waiting to be cut and thats how it will stay until we have a dry week
  3. What I want to know is, how long has a car has been classed as a piece of farm machinery guys................... : :
  4. They are the outer dividers, have to come off for transport as they slot into the point and also into a tube on the side of the header. A lot of people don't use them, especially wheat growers but I used to in barley crops on the Lexion as they push the standing crop away from the ends of the reel and header stopping a tangled mess from forming in that area
  5. JCB 526 strawing cattle and rounding up muck heap John Deere 6810 in and out of workshop.....fixing spool valve problems on her, will be fitting new couplers tomorrow
  6. Blimey, living dangerously letting the master of disaster near her weren't you Marky :D
  7. Thats a legal requirement on any display stand for safety reasons, Quicke rams don't normally creak down for a long while
  8. I did have one named after me on one of our farms in the past which I forgot about until now it was called Gavs Folly because it was a nasty wet little 10 acre field with a natural spring in it, it seemed what ever I done on that field I had problems.....the disc's sank, the beet drill sank, the combine would either sink in or drag the barley out of the ground as it was so peaty, the list goes on.....others had problems with it too it's just I was the first one to do so so had the naming priveledge :D
  9. we have one like that too, no pylons but woods and no straight hedges...called Crooked Field, daren't imagine how to do the spuds on it when it drops into rotation on there :
  10. This one is aimed at the farmers and farm workers on here, I was looking at a map of the farm I now work on yesterday to see where the fields were he wanted me to do some work on, looking at the names got me thinking about how funny or strange some of them can be so guys whats the most amusing or strangest one you have? Our one has to be Clickety Click....its 66 acres hence the bingo reference At the last place I worked it would have to be Cocky Hoop, never did get to the bottom of that one
  11. My new bosses welding skills.......he welded a new cutting edge onto the earth bucket ages ago, the other chap said his welding wasn't too good, he was right, it came off the first time that I dragged it across the field gateway. I've just spent two hours grinding it all clean before welding it back on, quick way to get through 20 or so welding rods :
  12. The funny thing is that when they put the 24inch wheels on our old 526 they found a problem.....they can no longer steer it as if you turn the wheels more than a couple of inches they foul the mudguards and also tank on the right hand side of the machine, shows how much difference there is with the newer models
  13. It was also a case of out with the old and in with the new after I'd done the feeding today. The dealer turned up with an 03 plate JCB 526 with 1700hrs on it to replace our rather ancient one which was getting rather ropey. They had to put the smaller wheels off our 526 on it as it wouldn't fit in some of the livestock buildings if not
  14. Got in this morning and was asked if i would feed the cattle as the other chap had a day off, can't have done too bad a job of it as they tucked into it quite nicely. All done using a JCB 526 and bucket feeder, first bucket had milled wheat, meal and crushed rape seed, 2nd had stock feed potatoes in it Some happy customers
  15. I'd take a Case/NH CVX or TVT over a JD Autopower anyday, just a much better set up in my opinion, I don't think there will be any more JD tractors bought on the farm from what I've heard either
  16. Must be a Standen control thing as the self centring function isn't too sharp on this one, had to try and do it manually when moving it about the sheds yesterday
  17. Well no surprises as yet although I did hear a rumour that there may not be any more green trctors coming onto the farm due to problems they've had with them : No wild oat pulling James, plenty of workshop business though
  18. Working out how to operate it is going to be enough, let alone measuring it up :D Cheers Tris, first impressions are good, they try to keep as much in house as possible so should be a good variety of jobs there. Looking like I'll be spending quite a bit of time in the workshop to start with though which is good
  19. One of the other tractors, a T reg John Deere 6810, currently on irrigation duties Vaderstad Rapid 300s drill John Deere 2058 combine, 18 foot cut And to finish off with, heres a pic of some of the fatteners that are due to go next week
  20. Well started the new job today, first job was to go and fit the wheel back onto the spud harvester after having a new tyre fitted and then bring it back to the yard ready for its overhaul and service. The rest of the day has been filled with general maintainence like changing the beet hoe blades. Heres some pics of some of the kit here anyway My tractor, 2005 John Deere 6920s with Autopower transmission, done about 3200 hours at present. My new toy, 1999 Standen Vision Potato Harvester.......could be fun...
  21. The MXM is identical to the TM in just about every way except for body panels and powershift controls....the one big difference is that the Case engineers will be out far more than the NH engineers as they were built in a Ford factory where the staff weren't too keen on building them or anything red so they tend to go wrong a lot more :
  22. :o :o :o Now this can't be worth that much surely http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VINTAGE-BRITAINS-No-9579-FYSON-ELEVATOR-MIB_W0QQitemZ310040116603QQihZ021QQcategoryZ117196QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1638Q2em118Q2el1247
  23. No where near as much as yours was :o :D :D
  24. I had a good day up there today as well, no pics though as was too busy talking to the various reps and farmers I knew. There were two other stands besides Beecrofts selling farm models, one of which had some very dodgy pricing, doubling the RRP then marking them down to the right price saying half price special offer Henry, that big spreader that you have a pic of will never get enough work to keep it going, the chap has bought it and is currently trying to gain work off all of the more established spreading contractors by undercutting them left right and centre. What he doesn't realise is that a lot of farmers in this area won't even have him on the farm because he's a bit of a You won't see foragers at the show as its a predominantly arable area, you can just about count the number of self propelled machines working in Norfolk on one hand, I know of 3 Jaguar's and 2 John Deeres, one of which belongs to the spreader chap, that's it
  25. Gav836

    CB Help

    This is the Cobra rig that I have, excellent rig in my opinion and if you can find one well worth the money, lots of features on it including one which lights up the whole front panel, particularly handy for working in the dark
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