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Valley Axe Man

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Everything posted by Valley Axe Man

  1. Cheers Chris. Aye Andy's models are always worth the wait
  2. ...... And also an 3.5 ton Weeks / MF21 tipping trailer has joined the trailer fleet ....... but with a generic style angle iron, corrugated tin and weldmesh silage kit added in authentic red lead finish. Trailer in Andy's basic format, of drawbar skid and handbrake only.... without lighting kit but I'm considering a little sign for the tailgate..... saying "No Signals"
  3. It's been a while since an update but another new small addition to the collection in the shape of a set of Andy's Ransomes Cambridge rollers.....
  4. Hell that would make one hell of a dio, Joe and something never or rarely seen done over here..... but as you say it be a tricky one and time consuming to do, 10/10 for thinking outside the box and thinking something different
  5. That be a canny plan you've got there Joe look forward to seeing it ..... Lanark maybe???
  6. Is there plans a foot for a Pistenbully buckrake Joe?? or are you developing something with low ground pressure in mind ??
  7. The Connor project sounds a bit interesting James... that be something a little bit different
  8. Happy Birthday Jack (Stehos) , Many Happy returns from the Ribble Valley, hope it's a great day for you
  9. But every trailer such as this needed a suitable overload load.... so Andy supplied one......
  10. Another addition to the Weeks trailer collection ..... This time a sprung and braked Weeks plus 40 that's had a hard life ...... Andy at Classic's first attempt at building something that's past it's best...... With a badly battered and twisted rotting body, a flat and odd tyres, broken spring and burst brake pipe, bent drawbar jack and ring hitch, snapped wheel stud and missing nut..... just needs as Andy says to be weathered and rusted to give it that truly knackered look
  11. Cheers Mark that's grand Aye there's one or two for you to catch up on.....
  12. Thanks Jack it's been a while to get back to posting up the updates but getting there again now. Yes your right... missing toplink a fault on a few of the UH models, could really do with getting a handful and fitting them throughout the fleet
  13. Just got back to posting up a few pics, first up since the last update a long long time ago , is this trip buckrake built in brass by Ciaran Dunne of Perfect32 fame.... in the larger 16th scale to his usual builds
  14. Happy Birthday Mark (Bay) Ya owd bugger!! Hope you have a good one bud. Best wishes from me and mum
  15. Happy Birthday Damian Hope you have a good un. Best wishes from Me and Mum
  16. Happy Birthday Joe Best wishes from down here in the Valley. Hope you get a wee dram to celebrate ;)
  17. Congrats on the new arrival Brendan hope alls healthy and happy and it's not a real life mini-Bob :laugh:
  18. Long time since an update!! Still better late than never and must get round to adding the photo's A couple of tractors from the collection have now been moved on to a new owner in Cumbria.... The big booted Fordson super Major, and Valley Timber Services's green County super 4 with winch and Power major and sawbench have gone to join a pair of my cabbed Ford 5000 builds in a almost complete collection of UH 16th scale Ford and Fordson models owned by a big "Blue power fan" David (non-member as yet) who is half tempted to display them at the 2015 Annandale model show Still a few models in the pipeline after various discussions with Andy at Classic... Although no new purchases but one or two builds in mind if I can track down the required donor tractors at the right price
  19. Aye many happy returns from down here, Brian Hope you have a reet good day
  20. Well said, Barry Great addition to the story,Brendan :laugh:
  21. Good way of looking at it that way John... You fill a gap in the collection until you find a better boxed example.... then selling the 1st one helps fund the purchase of another ....... sounds as though your collection could become almost self funding......apart from the expensive gift sets :laugh:
  22. Another nice addition to the collection John
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