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Valley Axe Man

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Everything posted by Valley Axe Man

  1. The three cylinder triplets!! The 7A 4600 along with a 6Y 4000 and 6X 4000
  2. The Ford 7A tractor range so far......... my recently finished 4600, with it's two bigger brothers, my 6600 and a standard 7600
  3. Looking good Erik , that some talented bloke you've found there ....... i can't wait to see what he comes up with next either
  4. Thanks Sean , I'm toying with the idea of trying to refit the doors to the 7000. i've a couple of hinge ideas that might work........ just got to get them off the drawing board and into a model
  5. Cheers Justin thanks i appreciate your comments and feedback I'm glad you like the 4600 now it's finally finished....... all we need now is that bubble cab
  6. That would be a challenge David....... although 16th 4wd axles are in short supply....... I have something in mind but i'm consulting my technical man to see if the parts are useable
  7. Cheers Jack, the next Blue project be along soon enough
  8. Mmmm you'll have to wait and see there David...... though i'll give you a clue......... it'll be 1/16th scale....... and could possibly be blue Painting the wheels up has made a difference.... it looks alot better now Glad you like it, i appreciate the comments
  9. and a couple more pics........ ......... now on with the next part finished project
  10. Mmmmmm after a long birth..... the Ford 4600 has arrived Based on a UH 5000 chassis less a cylinder, then tinwork and cab from a UH 7600, with a pair of Major 36" wheels with the 5000 centres dropped in. Been a while building this one to add to my collection but at last there a little bit more space on the work bench!
  11. Cheers Justin ....If UH did the tooling for a Bubble and dropped it onto their existing 7600, there could be a good handful of tractors that then could be dealt with....... a 10 series bonnet would open up a whole load more too
  12. That great Jack, Thanks there are plenty of sets of 5000 wheels and tyres about........ just lets see what happens Spot on about the Duncan, one of their Super Cabs wouldn't go amiss.... great idea!!!
  13. Thanks for the extra info Justin ......... mmmmmm what about wheel and tyre combo's on a 5600 i'm a bit limited as to what there is available, 5000 wheels and tyres are plentyful.. what do you think bud?? if only UH would do a 1/16th bubble cabbed tractor....... the possibilities could almost be endless
  14. mmmmm, didn't the 5600 use a 6Y 5000 engine Justin?? ii'm sure i read somewhere that the 5600 did, to create a tractor that fit fit midway between the 4600 and 6600......... if this is right then a 5600 would be the same as my 6600 but with different decal I used the 5000 chassis under the 6600 as it isnt turbo'd. possiblymy builds not a 100% accurate but then again nobodys perfect........ some just have the skill to be better than others
  15. I'll try my best to keep posting the surprises Jack
  16. Thanks David, appreciated Glad your liking the 6600...... there a couple more convo's and still a few more to come and a couple of your favorite shade of blue
  17. Cheers Justin ..... i had a bit of a feeling that you'd like this one. Hopefully the 4600 will be finished soon too
  18. Next up is the freshly finished UH based Ford 6600, based on a UH Ford 5000 chassis, with cab and tin work supplied by a UH 7600, a 5000 air filter mushroom and a couple of 6600 decals....... ...... just a stabiliser chain to put back on!
  19. It's always good to find something that you forgot you had Lee
  20. Is that an offer Lee? i've got a feeling they would come back well weathered , i've got models stashed in cupbords all over the house........ its just remembering where i last saw the ones that are missing........
  21. After a few hours on Saturday and a few hours yesterday, the tractors that i'm hunting through the storage room for still haven't turned up...... i did find one or 2 bits of 32nd that i'd forgot that i had, but no joy with the 16ths......... Mmmmmmmmm i wonder
  22. There might be a short gap before i post up a few more pics ..... i've a mission this weekend to hunt down those missing tractors, but hopefully i should find them, they have to be here somewhere!!!!
  23. Cheers for the comments 1972, there still abit more to come , i've quite a bit of 32nd but 16th is the direction i took to follow
  24. Cheers John, Glad you like it, though it not based on a real machine or owt, just cobbled together out of a redundant 5000 and parts leftovers, bit like a farmers son would do when he wanted a bit more power to try and keep up with the bigger tractors at silo time ..... though after a bit of thought, a trip down to Wilkies would see all the info i'd need to build a major based puller
  25. Could do David..... i have pondered building a Major or 5000 based tractor puller in the past ..... guess it's something else to add to the pile on the workbench After a small tweek or 2 the turbo'd 5000 now with pre cleaner off a 7600, and 7000 exhaust and wheels and tyres
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