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Everything posted by FW

  1. Heres my version I made a while back. (Bottom right hand corner.)
  2. A magnum would be great to see. What would you base it on?
  3. A 1/32 scale manitou would be great.
  4. Finally, got a free evening (as I'm skint and still slightly hungover ) to have another go at finishing up this little project. Pictures to follow later all being well.
  5. Not just yet as I've left my camera lead at my mums, so will probably hopefully be finished before the next set of pictures, sorry. :'( :'( :'(
  6. Thanks for the help. The linkage is now set so that it does not touch the ground, however was quite a challenge as Uh linkage is set on the p!ss compared to other manufacturers which are straight. \ However should be good all the same.
  7. Oh sorry I didn't mean to quote it, changed now.
  8. Do the wheels not stay in line anyway, as uh models don't have much play in the front axles anyway. \
  9. Suppose you could extend the points slightly, maybe with solder? \
  10. Ok, next I have got to sort out the linkage. The main problem is that I don't know what height to set it at, as this varies so much throughout the various manufacturers, with UH being the biggest problem, as it will need to be set higher and on a slight angle, so keeps straight. I'm thinking make it for UH as these would look best on the implement. Unless I can make standardised method that fits all manufactures. \ Let me know what you think.
  11. Could badge her up as a 100 and stick a loader on her- would look the mutts nutts.
  12. Yer fair point. Shall have to have a think and look further than B&Q. :
  13. Well the glues now set, so i thought I'd have a play. Also, I slightly underestimated the weight of the chains, so have had to add some extra links around the sides, which are to be drilled some time tommorow.
  14. I am seriously concidering it, so it will at least pay for itself as the tube wasn't that cheap and the investment in a mitre saw. \ Also the hours that its taken up, however if they were made in batches the time would be cut at a guess. What sort of money would they be worth?
  15. Yeah but looking at it now, probably would be inclined to use thinner brass as it looks just too much out of proportion. \
  16. Is there any differance other than the manufacturer? Like do they look the same?
  17. Well I'm not sure. I'm guessing that as on a trailed set, the bar will float and then the chains will 'drag' along the ground. Either that, or that is as low as the link arms will drop on the tractor.
  18. FW

    A Prayer at Xmas

    Thats a shame. \ :'( :'(
  19. Well here's the real mccoy. Hopefully bares some resemblance. \ \
  20. Finally for now is the front of the frame awaiting the arrival of a hitch. Better pictures to follow later, when the glue under hinges is dry.
  21. Next is the back view of the main frame awaiting the chains to be fitted, some time tommorow- light and strawing up the cattle permitting.
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