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Everything posted by NCC

  1. Nice day today, sun and a few clouds but no rain ;D : Best stay fine tomorrow, it's machinery sale time ;D ;D
  2. How are you planning on housing and milking your million cow herd of friesians :D
  3. :P :P Looking very nice Dave. They would look smart on a Case MX 305, not far off Stocks Agritracks I don't think ;)
  4. You won't need one, theres a little river at the bottom the yard ;)
  5. How bigger clamp will I need for 1500 tons of grass silage at 50% DM then, clever clogs :D :D
  6. A hell of alot of calculating Rich \ \ . Grass silage is roughly 550kg per metres squared so you have to work out your length, width and height of clamp in metres, as to how many tons you want it to hold, then you have to convert your measurements to 1/32. Easy really :D :
  7. It's 22 inch by 15 inch Rich, should hold 650 tons of silage if I got my maths right \ \ ;D
  8. NCC

    farm pic

    I thought La Garde only made tackle for the Viticulture industry, wine making to you and me ??? Thats a Kuhn hedge trimmer without a doubt ;)
  9. Terrible, rain here all day, we've got floods and everything. I've been making bow waves all day ;D ;D
  10. Tell me about it, currently very gloomy here no rain or hail yet. We've already the thunder and lightning, I hope \ \
  11. I think you got your silage at the right time FL, another week of rain coming for us I think :\ \
  12. Thunder, lightning, rain, hail, the works here. I'm crappin bricks :D
  13. Cheers Holme boy 6 of them should do I think, unless I can find some furry rug to spray green ;D :D :
  14. Excellent display John, your the one who gave me the idea to do mine :D :D Can I ask how many sheets of the grass matting it took to do your board and is that green felt you use for the swaths ???
  15. Is the FW 30 on a smaller chassis than the FW 60 or are they the same ???
  16. Ditto on that. We haven't had and gypo's round near us for a while now, the last lot though nearly got covered in slurry, they were just setting up camp as we arrived to check on the fields etc, we just said we'd be spreading in here tomorrow, so you best move on which they did . Worst bit is if you threaten them too much or have a punch up with them then 9/10 they'll get you back either by smashing up your cars/tractors or setting your straw on fire etc >
  17. Just wait till your next conversion pops up ;D :D
  18. I was impressed with this, alot better than the pics made out. Best bit is it's built to your spec so you can have exactly what you want. I've just got to sort some sort of yard out now \ \ \
  19. He's doing me a big shed and grain drying shed at the moment and I'm still drawing up some plans for a workshop ;) He's going to be a busy chap :D
  20. Heres a pic of my Silage bunkers :P
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