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Everything posted by NCC

  1. I try, but they just pick on me 24/7 and you can only take so much \ \ \ :'(
  2. Bullying FL, they all pick on me, take the pi$$ out of me and for what ??? Just cause they can't pull off wearing a pink thong and pink hunters while driving a Massey \ \ \
  3. One of the wheels kept locking up on my artic today while going down a newly resurfaced road, every now and then you'll see a big black streak of tar and wee pile off chippings were it locked up :D :D Tight buggers should repave the roads instead :\ \
  4. Turbulence is terrible FL especially flying back in the gulf stream, you've heard of shake, rattle and roll well add dropping 4000 ft just like that to it :o :o Just thought you might like to know, oh and I've only ever dropped 4000ft once due to turbulence ;D ;)
  5. We had an invitatation to show some of our BB show bulls at this years royal show, first time they've ever done that. Needless to say we won't be going \ \
  6. I bet you it ain't, he's starting my shed today or tommorow I believe and will be similar to that excpet for a few other bits and bobs ;D ;) Just drawing up some plans for a workshop too, so he's going to be very busy man, he's just done me a double silage clamp and it's smart to say the least :D
  7. Gotcha, who said it was a Massey you numpty :D
  8. Until the bolts holding on the mudguard sheer off when doing 40k down the road \ \ :'( :'( It's happend to many times :
  9. Ditto although no one is erecting a crane in front or me :
  10. How did you attach the front weight Are they easy to get hold
  11. NCC

    My Masseys

    Shut it Pingu, she'll be on 6000+ by the end of August I'll tell yer ;)
  12. NCC

    My Masseys

    I know was rather busy at that time though I think, just done 1st cut of our IRG for big square bales and was flat out tedding and carting bales back to the farm for wrapping and then after that she then went straight onto round baling and carting, so didn't get time for a rest nevermind a wash \ \ :
  13. NCC

    My Masseys

    Yes boss :D 5200 hrs last week so say 5300 at the moment ;)
  14. NCC

    My Masseys

    Cheers Allis, only the best eh ;)
  15. They come in handy just to keep the chopper going while waiting for the bigger trailers to arrive and time is everything when your your burning ?5 a mins worth of diesel ;)
  16. No not really, camera and phone is charged up ready mind and should hopefully be carting from the bigger contractors Jags soon. Will also be tedding in front of at least one Jaguar at a farm, so pics galore if were not too rushed ;)
  17. NCC

    My Masseys

    Lovely tractors allis, I run a 6180 too Here it is pictured last year carting round bale silage ;) Eh up, it had a wash on Friday night after we finished fert spreading and shes sparkling at the moment. Don't know for how long though, she's back muck spreading Monday :
  18. :P Lovley pics Luke, where still looking at June for 1st here \ \ \
  19. NCC

    some tractors

    Very interesting pics there CJ, never seen anything like that before :o
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