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Everything posted by tractorboyjules1977

  1. With the easter wknd well under way only a couple of us in for the next couple of days keeping things ticking over before the back log of next week kicks in ,We got the wheels changed on the 818 yesterday all ready for the ridgers next week when we hit the spud planting , while we had em in the workshop we decided to make some modifications and now we can pull 2 beds at the desired depth we need due to our fine soil conditions where we will be planting ! And just as I was about to sit down in the office for a well deserved cup of tea , what rolled into the yard but John lock from buglers with a t7.200 we agreed to have on demo , not sure wether the lads are too keen on the blue after having the comfort of there green machines . On the demo front we were really impressed with the s series valtra and are definitely looking into wether we can close a deal , shes now gone off down to Alex's to put her through her paces ! We have got a couple more demos planned so watch this space !!!!
  2. Just an update from the office , with an afternoon of meetings just concluded and phone calls for the availability of new kit , a successful afternoon ! We have now got booked in 3 more customers from the local area now signed up for us to go in a do there work , Mr madge being 1 which will see us doing all his cultivation and forageing work lock, stock and barrel ! and with the new addition of there state of the art dirty water pumping lagoons we shall be doing all there umbilical work , No 2 Marks barn which will see us doing all the forage work and also there umbilical ,No 3 Mr godfrey at lopen again doing all there forage work and umbilical ,But also they as Marks barn will be future straw customers , We have have just struck a deal to invest in 2 more slurry pipe reels and pipes taking our tally to between 4 & 5 km total of pipes and with the inclusion of Alexs reel and pipes we have plenty of pipes to cover all areas and with Stew at manor contracting on board we have the kit and labour force to get the job done
  3. Christ just watched that horsch video , that's a bit of a monster !! Got you on the transport Alex he does fold up pretty narrow for the size of it , I can feel a build coming on there in the future ! Good work lads something to ponder
  4. The idea is all good in principal boys , but again it comes down to the shear size of the machines , and with what I quoted earlier there is no way we would get some of that kit in to where we need to get to , some cases its a job to get a 4 rota rake around ! Looks pretty darn impressive though !!
  5. ,yeah Alex looks good , does a tidy job , as to branston haven't been in contact yet , leave that down to Mr Turvey . No ol , has a set of cultivater legs on the front before the ridgers ,
  6. What a dreadful last 24 hours weather wise , wind been a knightmare but at least the rain hasn't turned up which was forecast so ground been drying out really quick .We been out on the spud ground had a little play with the bed former just to see what the ground comes up like , The lads setting off for more umbilical work ,spreading on stubbles ready for maize , Taken the chance to get the spud planter in the workshop for a look over and the box lifter , the latter needing a grease up and 1 new oil pipe . All being well we can get some spuds moving after the easter weekend now !
  7. Yeah Niels , this will be an ongoing project until we can get the possible solutions and the most efficient ways , in theory anyway ! We are both on the job so watch this space , but like Alex says we are open to any ideas you guys have out there
  8. The s series certainly got the look about it , nice looking machine with plenty of power jack
  9. Well niels we are looking into more machinery to add to the fleet , just because of the sheer work load which will be placed on the fleet , Myself and Alex have researched some machines which we think will make an improvement , 1 of which is the purchase of 2 new fliegl ejector trailers , we are looking into other machines to fit in with Alexs CTF system , trouble is a lot of the roads around us cant really cope with over sized machines , so more research will be ongoing !As to the grass it is predominately rye grass which is sown , as the older grasses will come up after 1st cut of silage and then will be replaced with a maize crop mainly for the Ad plant , I hope this helps niels . , At least with the new legislation in place from the 1st of march we can run within the law comfortably I hope !!!!!
  10. Well niels we should b able to cope with what we have got in pits , especially now all the cows are out grazing by day , so that's slowed down feed consumpition considerably , we do have the option of getting in more from neighbouring farms should we need it ! The aim was to have the AD plant up and running around this sort of time , that's why we put plans in place last year when it was all in the pipeline , pays to think ahead !!
  11. The weather has decided to play havoc this weekend with all plans gone out the window , We just managed to get another 25 acres of spring barley in for a customer up at tuncombe nr crewkerne just in time before things started to get decidedly sticky with heavy showers forecasted , Back in the yard we got most of the potato equipment hitched up ready for Monday morning , but looking at the weather for the next few days it don't look like much will be happening in that department ! but at least were ready to go if things improve . The maize drills in ready for a quick service while the fitters were in twiddling there thumbs in and out the rain . On a lighter note Drews of dinton have been up and dropped in a demo S series valtra to put through its paces on the the 5m disc/culti , Thought we would give em another go as the last valtra didn't really leave a lasting impression , As we speak I think Alex is having her down Oakley for a few days to try after weve had a little play ! Roll on sunny skies and we can get the kit all rolling !!! Back in the office a meeting with greenslade taylor and hunt saw us agree to take on 235 acres up at winsham just off the back of cricket st Thomas estate , the ground up there is all down to grass and has been used for sheep keep , we will be in to rip all that up at a later stage and this will all go down to maize ideal for the AD plant , a good opportunity too good to miss and right on the doorstep so to speak just pays to keep your ear to the ground on future opportunitys . Just a little update on the AD plant she should be fully functional in the next 2-3 weeks , Hopefully !!
  12. thanks ol very much appreciated , after all it is a bit of fun but something we all enjoy and spend time trying to make improvements on and make things as close to the real thing as poss , but without the headaches and bills ;D
  13. A little update , with the weather holding for a few more days it was decided to get out and spray some of the more established winter wheat , on the plus side a big job came in yesterday which sees the slew being loaded up and taken off to a neighbouring farm to work on resurfaceing there cow tracks , they getting itchey feet to get the cows out with all this sun shining . Spring is starting to show its hand , thank god !!!!
  14. all looks all tickety boo buddy ! a very impressive site !
  15. Back out with the plough this weekend 40 acres of stubble to be turned over ready for beet preparation at the end of next week , then off to turn over another 120 acres of stubble ready for customers maize grounds , seems to have been never ending this last week with the plough chasing the cultivators out of the fields . The workshop seems to be getting buisier with the power harrow just coming in for new tines and a service and a quick run through on the maize drill , Still got at least 2 loads of haylage going out a week aswell , just as weve got stock feed potatoes coming in at a load a week from Oakley .
  16. Getting towards the middle of the week and the yard is looking decidedly empty due to nearly all tractors out ! busy on tanking and cleaning out the lagoon with the slew and 2 spreaders , spreading on stubble ready for preparation of ground for beet , alex from Oakley been on the phone wanting 2 tractors and trailers for hauling chicken litter tomorrow from frogmary to selvinge , keep the boys amused !
  17. A quiet weekend ahead with only a few of the boys in , getting machines in the workshop for servicing next week , first in we got the destoner then in the ridgers , Back out in the yard the Saturday lad has been on hauling out manure from the rearing unit , hopefully be the last time before we start turning out some heifers in early to mid april depending on the weather .Also decided to drop the lemken drill off and hitch up the 3m ,as we"ve got some hilly drilling to do next week and as we had a deluge of rain all day Friday , the ground tends to hang a bit on the soft side so we took the sensible decision to go for a little less weight
  18. lots more cracking weather this week and forecast for next week , the herd manager decided to turn out the first batch of cows ,a chance to chew some fresh grass and relieve a bit of yard duties especially with 1st time calvers due to start the middle of the month also on the farm been on with putting a spot of nitrogen on the silage grounds just a 100cwt an acrea at the mo to give em a bit of a perk up now the suns shining ,also hard on rolling with 150 acres done and another 200 acres to cover before we go off to neighbouring farms .
  19. looks like plenty going on dave ! keep up the good work
  20. A cracking few days of weather behind us and a few more dry days forecast in front of us , we decided this morning to plough up 30 acres of non exsistance winter wheat , took the decision now to get the plough in and put the cultivator through the top , with this drying weather hitched up the new 724 on the drill and tomorrow were crack on with drilling some spring barley as replacement crop . In the yard smarts agri services been out to put the laptop on the 6210r , problem being a lack of power somewhere along the lines , also a quick service on the merlo with her inpending trip off to Oakley farms for a few days ,always try to help the neighbours !
  21. Hes not actually working off the front pto ,as you can see in the pictures there is no pto shaft connected , it is only that way for carrying on the roads and in the picture that way for illustration purposes , Although it is a hi spec pump ,
  22. I copy that paul , I hope they do aswell , But in the end it all comes down to personal preference and what suits your own diorama and budget .our fendt dealers must be lacking around our area as they seem to only have the new 313 and the new version of the 828 in stock and they seem to be quite ltd at the moment !
  23. niels they aren't uh as I mentioned before there schuco 724s ! I have seen the uh ones and do look pretty good , but every one seems to have all different release dates for them , but I do quite like the schuco models . T he question on the wiking 724 seems to be that no one seems to know wether they are or they aren't going to release a 724 , I guess were just have to wait
  24. Good question ol ,all a matter of grass mixture and up keep of nutrients on all our grounds , cow pastures are 99% permanent with the odd exception , the majority of the grass ground will only stay down for 3 - 4 years , again depending on mix with rye grass having a % of red clover included , also again depending on how the weather has been during the autumn and winter months and letting grass keep out for other farmers has as grass keep for sheep . Most of all comes down to grass management in the end
  25. Out and about yesterday and today, we Decided to put the grass harrows on and work over some manure we put on the cow pastures a couple of weeks ago , also managed to hitch on the flat roller and pull he on out ready for next week when we start grass harrowing and rolling the silage grounds , all depending on the weather . At least we can keep one gang moving week in week out and that's the boys on the umbilical !!!
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