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Everything posted by b_emmons

  1. I already have resent the messages as some of the posts where slightly off topic where they where posted I don't mind them being missing, but have lost the link for the 50% discounted items from a French retailer I posted for others
  2. All my posts from Wednesday night including Private messages have all disappeared, but nothing to drastic lost
  3. alright.... have not had a chance to give it a detailed inspection in various poses and scenarios
  4. that is what I do as well, always have an upper limit and stick to it Thank you for some great models I brought of Ebay from you, the Valtra gold and orange Claas
  5. I brought this model recently with the mower in the same box, as I wanted the mower and was cheaper than the mower on its own. the tractor looks fairly good to me but not really played with it yet
  6. I have a seller that seems to follow all the items I Bid on and then keeps out bidding me, a few days later I then see some of the items back on sale with the original seller as the bidder never paid up I wonder if its the same person
  7. Thank you for the information Guys it is a great little model so have ordered a standard rear UH coupling to see if I can mod it to fit, if not I will cut the arms off to use the tow hook it looks quite good against the original, yet a few detail changes may help
  8. a closer look at my Renault dealer boxed UH Ergos 100 really needs the rear coupling changed out as its a strange design and fits nothing and the arms are so long it also makes the tow hook nigh on impossible to use it also seems to have a prop shaft running between the axles along bottom of the chassis to make it a 4x4 yet info on web makes the all wheel drive one a 105
  9. I am working on it dose the quad track count
  10. Thank you James Now I have decided on direction of my collection and have a good selection of tractors, I am now working on a selection of implements to match them
  11. Had a second Wiking 640 Communal turn up today Carpet farmer soon got it ready for action, but he may have to wait a while Fitted with my UH Hydrac snowplough and grittier (once I removed the 2 point adapter)
  12. I feel so sorry that Andy had to sell them, but they will be loved in my collection, and I have decided I will mainly collect Claas, Valtra, Challenger, Articulated and historic models, so will be culling most of my siku and britians collection off this year
  13. Wiking Claas Arion 640 communal Wiking Valtra T234 unlimited
  14. great information about making wall's James
  15. Decided to look at the Challengers MT765D MT775E MT865C 382hp 431hp 583hp
  16. some of my latest arrivals USK 10614 Challenger MT775E USK 10622 Challenger MT865C Red, Yellow and Black Hooibalenvork Siku 1952 Amazone Seed Drill UH4101 Hydrac snow pusher UH4102 Hydrac sand spreader
  17. Nice batch of red articulated tractors Chris
  18. I have a device fitted that keeps the engine running and allows me to remove the key so the steering lock is on
  19. I always start the car , go back in for a cuppa, then come out clear all the windows and brush off all the loose snow I can reach, by then heaters should be working on my 96 4.0 Jeep thing I hate is the people that slow to 10mph when it snows when a steady 35-40 is more than possible This country really needs to bring in minimum 3-4mm tread and all season/winter rated tyres for the winter months as normally summer tyres loose grip below 13 degrees Celsius, and most morning commutes all year round fall into that temp range
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