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Everything posted by graham

  1. very nice great finds , do you think they find our stuff
  2. great stuff lot of detail two ;)
  3. very nice filius , a lot of work there great models two keep putting the pictures on ;)
  4. rich the shows are good days out the ftf gives you good coverage of them but they are nice to go to when you get the chance,i have never been to spalding must try one day marky put some pics up on the forum of the last toytrac and i think there was some pics in there of the parmiter sheargrab
  5. they all look very good chris like the bales excellent job you have made
  6. holiday was great mate ;)as for frogshole it is still all packed away may give it another run out at a show rich maybe toytrac again not sure yet
  7. having a couple days down your way rich as of tommorow staying with freinds at penclawade you know where i mean ;D nice pics by the way looks like you are busy
  8. nice pics powerstar nice area to mate had a few holidays at commbe martin just on edge of exmoor
  9. jez, i made some buildings with roller doors they rolled up and down have some pics if they will be of any use to you ?
  10. very nice mate what great scenes and cracking pics
  11. looks great popular tractor made even better with that loader well done
  12. crack on he covers some ground with that are they drilling maize at moment ol
  13. i got the merc actros from there tris thinking it was not newray but it was , was after the FH but was out of stock at the time would like to make a nice bulk trailer at some time for it nice site thou if you are into trucks
  14. just put some pics up of the workshop added some service books on bench and steel rack and bits and peices,
  15. that looks nice tris well done steve , he did show me this a long time back when i called round his house it look s like it was worth the wait nice
  16. they look very nice tris well done fella ,
  17. many thanks one and all still got the warning signs to add and some more bits in the pigeon holes then should be finished but there is so much you could put in there it needs alot more clutter and bits
  18. been doing a workshop for a member on here so just putting some pics up
  19. what a great job you are making jez it is looking great ,some nice touches you have in there like everybody says keep it going i am sure the feedback you get from spalding will be immense ;)
  20. looks like you had a good day cj very nice mate looking the part very well done
  21. what a great set up you had one and all that was concerned it does look impressive very well done
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