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Everything posted by graham

  1. blimey sis you must not kiss me in public f33 k about
  2. i emptied car , took daughters old setee to the tip nothing better than a tip run ;)makes you feel good when you have done it then out to lunch with daughter and her boyfriend then to canterbury with sharon know going to do nothing well look on here
  3. nice pics mate looking a busy farm nice you mind the roofs with them marstons you will soon be through it mate cracking job ;)
  4. looking good cat you had better get them barriers up fella or you are going to have free range cows mate :D
  5. great to see the bits you had at toytrac tris will be great when you get your ideas together what you spoke to me about lovely job
  6. very well done to you all they done a great job of promoting the forum let me tell you ;D
  7. me and sharon would like to say many thanks to everyone who stopped and had a chat and looked at the layout and your comments on hear make me feel very humbled indeed , a very BIG thank you to marky ,he took up a lot of his morning taking the pics and there is no way i or sharon would ever get pics looking like that .he has done a great job of them , sharon enjoyed it as she was aprehensive about going so a big thank you to you all at the show who made her feel welcome cheers guys and girls ;D ;D was liverpools game good ben you missed the show ben and i missed the derby fella
  8. go for it jez the postion of the display was down to tris , marcus and old ford mate then karen and steven and warner gave me a bit more room for the dairy unit and grain store but it was a good spot thanks for chatting jez great mate
  9. i think it has got to go mate there was conditions to the planning application fella you know i have vered of once or twice and cheif planning officer ie sharon has had to bring me to order i dont think i can save it \
  10. enjoyed your layouts marcus old ford tris sean mandy great stuff it can only be good for the event i am sure it will get bigger and if it can better next year cracking stuff i will be back i know that
  11. thanks everyone not sure what to do with it now maybe ebay :o but i enjoyed showing it
  12. me and sharon just got back both enjoyed very much thanks to all concerned had a great time look forward to 2008 ;D
  13. we shall be there tris tommoz like a big child here mate let me tell you ;) \
  14. i am looking forward to seeingall your work aswell i think it is going to be a great show ;)not long now i shall be there tommorow hopefully two more boxes to load in morning not much room for me and sharon see you soon ben oh no sorry forgot opps
  15. great pics powerstar looks like you had a busy summer and a happy one what area did you cover and where is the big dairy unit with the big silage pit
  16. been busy today frogshole all boxed up and loaded into car ready for toytrac can not wait really looking forward to the show
  17. getting a puncture in van this morning pitch black changing wheel no torch ,,,time quarter to six ,cars ,driving by not stopping ,me with the right ache i could have kicked the thing \ \ ??? knowing that concrete lorrys were coming to the farm where i was working today three of them at 8 o clock not happy still that teach me carry torch now :'( :'(
  18. silly spell thingy the shell fish in morecombe bay
  19. seen a machine like it for washing cockells :o its a bit random ???i know
  20. me and sharon would come marcus if you let me know where it is happening :o
  21. good on you will looks nice and a great price i would say looks like a lot of work has gone into it like you say will nice model will
  22. nice pics james looks like you had a good day with the camera nice area two by the looks like that last pic
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