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Everything posted by graham

  1. like that it looks very nice model will be getting one and a top link two
  2. well there we have it rich i know where you are and about two summers ago when i was there i see a massey mowing some grass there, it had if i remember right a trailed mower not sure if it was a vicon one but i see it ;) would that have been you rich
  3. rich i think it is bury port, is there a factory there that does pickles or something like that there , if so i know where you are fella \
  4. hi peter is that a rapid exit parlour great pics nice set up
  5. lovely job you have made of your workshop fella cracking stuff mate
  6. very nice coming on a treat ;) some nice kit two
  7. them cattle will like that straw looking great nice ;)
  8. fitting a metal sliding door between a dairy and milking parlour , snowing outside for most of day just on top off dover cliffs and cold two \
  9. nice pics how many cows do you milk and like you say lovely lorry some serious money tied up there
  10. looks very good jez nice looking very clean two
  11. like jason said it looks great but as for the language you are two far north for me
  12. looking good marky early lambs two mate must of been busy over crimbo lambing them
  13. f33k about i know shouldnt laugh but that made me chuckle , :D we done the thing last year mate nightmare in the crowds and as for the tubes phhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttttttt but we did see the squibs and flashes o and bangs
  14. theres nothing wrong with that bremner you will need one with all them cattle to blood test
  15. nice reveiw marky like a lot of people are saying could not belive my luck when i see britains made a combine just had to have one done many carpet acres two without a hicup let me tell you happy days , then farm up the road bought the real deal may off been a bit later i remember it had a power flow table ;)
  16. finished off fitting an automatic teat dipping and flushing system on a 24 24 milking parlour ,herdsman very happy saving 20two30 mins a milking farmer said when we left he wont be soon he is going to be milking more cows , never ending i guess just keep expanding to stand still \ but i enjoyed fitting it something differant
  17. graham

    Dads Work

    what a great pictorial record simon lovely pics more more
  18. great pics marcus it is good that you took them and great to look back on do the trucks mate would like to see ;)
  19. graham

    Dads Work

    lovely pics ;) more more
  20. been installing an auger to supply four out of parlour feeders on a farm at ashburnum in sussex
  21. graham

    Dads Work

    very nice pics simon a credit to all concerned the farm looks to be well kept two lovely the combine two that was a little gem
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