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Everything posted by graham

  1. That'll be pretty impressive when you can do that fella. That's the trouble , I haven't got the room. :)
  2. Cheers for the comment Mike. It's surprising how quickly you run out of space when you do a layout. You need a massive shed for all of your collection Mike. :)
  3. Cheers F-P. The blue machine is an Alvan Blanch batch mixerwith a red roller mill on top. You tip barley into the hopper and then you roll the barley then it goes into the batch mixer, you can also add protein pellet and minerals through the grill at the back and it gets augered over the railway sleeper wall where it gets picked up with the loader and either gets put into the mixer wagon or fed adlib to bull beef. Hope this has explained it a bit. There are two baseboards, one is 3ft x 20 inches and the other is 3ft x 15 inches. There is a join running down the middle wall you can just see it by the intake pit. :)
  4. Here are some pics of my latest building still got a bit of work in progress but got the camera out and thought I would do a few snaps. :)
  5. cracking job i think she wants me to work on the house i think i will get someone in to do it can not be asked your barns are spot on :)
  6. nice to see tris makes all the more real bonny job ;)
  7. the fella on ebay his id was claudius 23 he did have a few bits on there his shop was howard scenic supplies a lot of bits for scalextric but that is 1\32 i think looks ok to me anyway
  8. liverpool all the way there is nothing like standing in the kop singing your head off makes the hair on my neck stand on end luv it anyway the red tool boxes were off ebay the other grey bits are what i picked up the weekend and are scalextric the small open toolboxes have tools in but i can not even see what they are need magnefying glassfor that the chainsaw and other bits are all made by myself and i am sure others on here can make bettterbut if you want some i wll do you some no problem we was robbed the weekend f b :D
  9. Sorry here is the website. www.alwayshobbies.com
  10. I don't know whether you would be interested Tris or anybody else but this website has stickers in 1/32 scale for oil drums and there are some warning signs as well but some are no good farm models cos they are telling you to put your lifejackets on but most are useful. :)
  11. Mine would be the same as Tris's and Seans as well Tellarian.
  12. A bit of wiping up doesn't hurt him Tris, I do lots for him you know. ;D
  13. I've just walked through the door and Graham has collared me to put up his pics, I will have to train him on how to do it. :) So here a few pics as asked for.
  14. will get sharon to post some pics when she comes in
  15. tris just found this i do use the italeri kits for my workshop bits i do make some as well the sand bags in the kits are good for bags that you find lying around on farms like seed cement minerals etc and the jeery cans as welli did pick up some bits the weekend at a scalextric show i think it finishes the scenes off
  16. Nice to see everybody having a go. :)
  17. Nice to see you are getting a bit more area up there Old Ford. Looking forward to seeing the layout, are you making a new one or are you carrying on with your original layout. Did you finish your parlour.
  18. Well what can I say Tis, the buildings look absolutely brilliantly. I think we have all got poxy little rooms and cannot seem to have enough space to put these layouts in. :) :) You are certainly getting some therapy instead of pushing that scania around the countryside.
  19. That's a lovely job that would look good in that workshop Tris. When i make mine up I struggle to make the hand piece. :) :)
  20. Looking forward to seeing some pics Sean. Do you find that your models get effected by the varying temperatures up in the loft. When I had mine out in the shed they didn't seem to like it. The plastic on the models seemed to deteriorate and some of the paper decals started to come off. Now they are all in and in boxes, until I get permission to use the daughters bedroom. Struggling for the exemption pass on that one at the moment.
  21. It looks excellent Tris. Are there anymore to follow. Does the Auger go up over the silo Tris? Proper job. :) :)
  22. Have been gunning out concrete round slurry store, have been for the last 5 days, it is hard let me tell you. Finished to-day got to replace the bottom ring of sheets now.
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