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Everything posted by nathan

  1. how is that jd project coming on that you posted up a while back.
  2. cheers for the offer mate but i need to get offmy backside and get his book for myself as me and some mates want a load of stuff from him. wheels are in the post by the way mate forgot to pm you
  3. i agree mate that axle suits the 3350 well but these not as well.
  4. just thought i would ask as i had a plan of doing one.
  5. i'm not worried that they might not look spot on . the whole model is wrong to start with. the rear axle needs to be dropped a bit. its more the size of the 6600,6800 just with a short bonnet to make the 62/64 model. ;)you can tell this by looking at the front axle and the gap between the underside. might try some uh sprayer wheels on the back. its different and there not much choice when it comes to 2wd axles didn't think the ergos one would have looked any good, plus this one was the right colour as well
  6. nice cab mate top shelf has some class models on it. where did you get the AW decals from as i could do with a few sets
  7. which fronts would be best then, going to put different decals on her at some point too
  8. i set myself a 1 hour time limit to come up with something and came up with this. jd4020 wheels ,2wd axle bits cut off the 4020 and fixed to the under side of the tractor, might put a uh loader on it next
  9. looks well smart mate love those wheels on her, well done
  10. oh c"?P it has that roof steering knob but other than that it looks like a good model
  11. i will take a few decals off you when you have them mate. i like this one very much, looks spot on mate . i think someone will be clearing up at toytrac this year i know my budget has gone up know (don't tell the wife!)
  12. have to say it again what a cracking model. having seen this one i will have a re think about the one i did using the valtra c skid unit or maybe do the whole range using different skids like the uh k100,valtra c, mf5455. don't forget to bring your decals tin with you again to toytrac paul all the jd ones i had off you last you have all been used up. yours and ian's are the best tables there mate.
  13. do you have a picture of the real thing? that makes the model that header does ;D . need to make up my mind as to which header to use, either the JD siku one or the jag one , i think you have got it right mate. it looks spot on mate ;D
  14. that looks spot on will look good in a JD line up .
  15. i have tryed to put the bubble cab on the new 5000 to see if it will fit when the 7000 & 7600 come out. a lot of cutting has to be done to the bonnet as its to wide.
  16. smart bit of kit mate did i see the word tedder there somewhere
  17. thought i would try the bubble cab on the bonnet and he bleeding bonnet is too wide. will have to cut a bit of the bonnet away on both sides when the 7000 &7600 come out
  18. tractor is a 6410 cut and 15mm stretched , front axle and wheels are from a mtx 175 and exhaust. cab bits are from the uh k100. front linkage is from the ttv. rear wheels will be the mtx ones but in the picture its the ttv ones which are a little to big i think
  19. that is the fendt 926 bonnet i think . was looking in to doing one myself and that is the one i going to use.
  20. it clashed with another show some where. it might be why its on a different day this year.
  21. i know a few people who don't travel to spaldings as its to far to travel. i would say that toytrac would be better as its the first one at the new place . and as its once a year and the other is twice a year. you could just take one of every thing and a load of your uh and siku tractors to sell. and i would like a close look at the beet harvester ;D.
  22. i don't keep blue paint only red and green. just sold the front axle as well. now 2wd
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