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Light Land

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Everything posted by Light Land

  1. It's a feed wagon for feeding cattle that loads itself.
  2. Why the hell can't I make things like that
  3. Wonder how many hours the guy put into that
  4. If you were on the road next to the rakaia river towards the rakaia township you would be passing a place with maize grain not yet combined to the left,thats my work. There are some good soils along that road.Rakaia/dorie with irragation is now out produceing bar hill in places were there's templiton silt loam.
  5. Very nice pictures grim,you would'nt want to be baling this week Q 4 u,what was grown before that crop of silage?
  6. It's not economical to wrap each bale on it's own if it's not needed!!.
  7. Just in time for this years baleing season and all.Will you make one of them stacker things to pull behind it?
  8. Love the kuhn seeder,it sure looks a treat. Send FB a few pic's powerstar,he needs some ideas for his 2 year project.
  9. Some is sold for silage the rest is sold as grazzing on the place to a sheep farmer as the farm only own's about 12 beef cattle pets
  10. That's a dam tidy bit of work OLD FORD,the painted on bits make it look almost real.
  11. How fast do you go in a big M when mowing on avg?
  12. Would you stop posting pic's so I can say...cor look at that veiw,handy camera work
  13. A huge guy at work not checking his diesel before sodding off up the road for a days work then the boss says to swap tractors for a load so I can refull his tractor while I'm at the packhouse then bring it back for him after doing that I find he's bloody been driving my ride with 3 windows open and got dust all through the cab I'd only just cleaned,the windows were clean why could'nt he have just turned the air con on :(
  14. All that carry on was for us my arss nath....... :D :D
  15. Yes mate your right you do get a very fine seed bed having spread that on top. Like you said the soil often ends up going on the lighter parts of a paddock to even the soil type out,the bulbs get loads of fert so yes the ground has more punch.The bulbs are often feed a very strong mix of "nitrophoska" 3 times while they are in the ground at a rate of about 300kg/ha each time.
  16. The things one reads on here when the ftf silage crew have a meeting.
  17. I'm not to fussed on what the combine is as long as it has a conventional threashing system in it.All the rotory's I've ever had any thing to with have been high maintainance.
  18. Right then 2 years from now FB :D :D
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