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Everything posted by batcher

  1. batcher

    case 180 puma

    Got this for a couple of days on demo the only problem was what to do with her well he had blown the back end up on his tractor on poo spread
  2. Think this pic highlights another big danger if you don't keep your wits about you not as bad as it looks there was 3/4 feet clearance but i have seen a lot less
  3. I had the money pics from east to west looking north and behind me you don't know it's there till you look from a different angle on the way home then were was it again i had lambourne behind me a mile or so away
  4. batcher

    bail cart

    mx 135 and loader mxu 135 with trailer kept us out of trouble for a few hours
  5. She lives between lechlade and burford road next to the old cone factory at filkins sounds as sweet as a nut
  6. Finished some round bail silage at 3am . Woke up at 7.30 over the steering wheel (too tyred to go home) Back to the yard phone goes off boss man say's see ya tomorrow yippee so yesterdays roast soon ,bath,and a nice sofa for the afternoon pure heaven .Then a few beers this everning and bed before 12 (60 hours worked in the last 3 days )
  7. Me ? what have i done now Anyway what's that bit about sleeping till 3pm you lucky bu@@ger when its that late/early i crash over the steering wheel for 3 hours just anough to charge the batterys (please note the posting time as i have just got in ) and will have to get up at 8.30 for another long dayzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  8. No dew tonight up your way aswell then . Just started spitting with rain here as i walked in the door at 3
  9. well what would leave good rows like this ? and let me make bails like this ? nothing too modern smokin what else a mf 750 still going strong
  10. Hi 28 acres one hour 15 mins Must add it was a light crop Not fair really when the next field i done 24 acres four hours but then i only had 3 meters behind me
  11. Well it was a nice outfit to see working . would have been nice to work along side her for more than 5 mins but it was fun me chasing her chasing me I'll finish that last 7 metres
  12. Seen it in the yard .Got the pics . but never seen it working until now !!!!! any ideas yet could be some more
  13. Started at 8am drove 35 miles to round wrap 51 bails Back to the yard by 12.15 then 5 miles to rewrap (they were spiked out of a stream/river) 31 bails that had floated into witney last week back to the yard to pick up the square wrapper 15 miles later 128 class 21 bails back in the yard by 8.15 pm So after 110 miles 210 bails i am now having a nice cold can of beer
  14. Poor old girl don't think even in a bad harvest like this year she will turn a wheel . Still she sits in a prime place survaying it all going on . Nowing she's done her time
  15. Lovely pics almost reminds me of summer (last year) Any chance you could come back to england and bring that sunshine with you
  16. batcher


    Anyware between brize norton and marlborough Should also say that she has a twin that one was left in a field with a big plough on the back will try to get some working pics as the owner is my new boss / mate's brother .He chopped in a quadtrac for them
  17. Manly to keep the cutting arm damp so the friction on the wrap does not tear (otherwise you have to keep tying it back on) and after 20 times one gets really pi**ed off pto speed is 650 rpm If you start to slow things down too much it will effect the preformance greaty and the output .when you are faced with 300 bails at an average of 40 50 hr when working properly .You can soon get down to 20 bails hr very easy
  18. Like this should point out that someware is the front wheel where i went through the water was a main road between coleshill and highworth on the hill yes it was at the lowest point .And i did have to watch out for the ditch there was a car abandoned in the middle of the road ( i did get water over the bonnet tho we just finished and the hevans opened again the wheels are for round bails not that we have ever used them but if the hs2000 goes down we have options this is the only farm that lost some (under 2 feet of water)
  19. batcher

    big massey

    Erm i diden't look (to busy looking at the cat )
  20. batcher


    Just look at it this way your tyes are cheeper by a few grand
  21. batcher

    big massey

    she do look good outside on a 07 plate
  22. batcher


    what can i say hmmmmmmmm veryyyyyyyyy nice and was not locked silly boys
  23. batcher

    big massey

    Thought i better take some pics for ya inside not as nice as my mxu and wot else to end on
  24. more pics from today we could not get the bails out of the field without tearing the wrap so they brought them to me (they were bailed thurs afternoon) and was too wet fri to wrap but 2 loads were put on a trailers the other 80 odd are under 2 feet of water they will be scraped getting to the job was fun and in the yard it was all go matbro feeding me jcb stacking [imghttp://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i54/batcher/SUNP0037-2.jpg]http:// and me stuck in the middle
  25. Heard the other day that they are working on sorting out the problem .Something to do with the coating on the arms the old one we had wasent so much of a problem till she got a few seasons under her belt ? but the wrap we use nowdays isn't as good as a few years ago. Many thanks pete . We normally grease the arms when they need it . But we are trying to slow the arms cumming down friction seems to be the prob and also i have noticed the film resedue left behind is not good green film seems to be worse
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