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Everything posted by batcher

  1. The xtx200 driver used to use the mx200 but she was a bit heavy and big for every day work and a very rough ride on the road one of them starts the silage season on a rake and very easy it is to use
  2. She's not called the the beast for no reason animal on the road and slow 30 acres to turn during the summer it's last one on the team gets her but when she gets on the class 2200 there is not alot than can go up hills like her
  3. Rare sight nowdays all the fleet together on there chrissy break tm 300 mxu 135 loader 135 xtx 185 xtx 200 2 mx 200 the old 135 better not forget the beast her job at the moment is on power wash duty
  4. Thank you for the information the 6600 holds a lot of memorys for me as it was the first brand new tractor i ever had . But mine i picked up in feb 1980 had the black floor by then at a cost of ?9500 plus fity quid for 14 inch klebers .And the first thing i did to her was fit a radio when she was sold 18 months ago with about 5000 hrs on the clock she never had a spanner to her . Yes she did get warm inside but you could put a screwdriver though the top of the door and hold it open and scooped the air in steve
  5. Looks fantastic well done mass production then ? this any help http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=15864.0
  6. Around these parts we have a lot of pikeys they always leave tyres (they have been cut off the rim) in the hedges .But i always carry a chain and pull them out and as for wire of any sort it gets nicked so no worry there
  7. I used to use a db 770 and a 5 ton dump trailer hauiling wet dirt during the winter months without too much trouble just had to make sure that when you tip you are straight and on level ground
  8. How far are you hauling too and how often Brakes would be a must but you could getaway with using the spool valve if not going far And how much oil the backend you could fill her right up
  9. Well i find that each hedge is different from the last there is a good side and bad side to each hedge south faceing having more to cut than the north I start with a good look at the hedge to see weather the sides are vertical/or angeled .Is there any brambles if you are not carefull you will drag the brams along and not cut anything and make a mess speicaly in the ditches. How high is the hedge same as last time or bringing it up to the new 2 meters . Best to keep up with the rules and regs and always ask the farmer what he wonts done That out the way this hedge is 3 years old so needs a few passes otherwise you end up with a lot of debre better to chop it up gentley as you go and much kinder on your trimmer first cut finding out where the edge is then the vertcal cut then genty bring the top down one thing that i find helpfull for a tidy finish is to do both sides before you finish thetop otherwise the debre from the side will land on the top And as for tractor/ trimmer anything will do with older kit might take a bit longer but will do the job time and practise helps you soon learn to read the hedge and which is the quickest and easest way hope this helps steve
  10. Well on friday i found myself in a very unusal place at the end of a runway intresting not because every few mins a plane would go over my head going away glad to get the job done the amount of people who stopped to take pics was unreal i had to keep stopping they just stopped there cars in my way all the time
  11. Wow some bit of kit there I remember my dad useing a nuffield 360 and saw back in the early 70s he used to go out on contract to the farm next door removing the hedges to make the fields bigger (back in the day )
  12. Went to our loacl mechanic's yard yesterday . And all i can say it was trip down memory lane first off one of my faves 630 been stood outside for two years now shall we go red ? 784 very smart now the blues some may have noticed more but my batts died on me :'( But its a good job i had spares the reds just in case the greens thththattsss all folks
  13. Bomford falcon 5/5 on the back of a mxu 135 i would post some pics but photobucket playing around
  14. It seems to be the norm nowdays for 3 year trimmings some new incentive i think The farm i'm on at the mo trims a third of the farm each year Yes the trimmer is having a hard time she's only 12 months old and i changed the flails around last week a few pics of todays jobby before the first cut second cut vertical final looks tatty because i brought the hedge up 16 inches during notice the electric fence still intact when i finished finished for today back to do the other side and a top run to tidy up tomorrow
  15. Thanks yes i agree the little jobs are the best normally a cup of tea and biccy but the look on peoples faces when you start trimming there hedge is always a picture and seeing this year i have been trimming for about five weeks solid now apart from 2 days r bailing in between .On friday it took me 8 hrs to go around a 15 acre field with 2 sides only needing sideing up three years growth But i still have my nice little sunday afternoon job in the middle of swindon to do all little car park hedges
  16. I,m sure there was a wing someware one good thing about modern trimmers a twist around very nicely this was the best bit (going on to next job) still i did let the light in six feet in places last one
  17. Or in other words let,s call in a contractor .When i got there the chap said it had not been done for three years and we are building a new riding school and the contractors will not take there lorrys up there Then i see why three quarters of a mile up and back this is the first sighting of the track not so bad then up a little bit these next 2 pics are at the same time just been called for dinner i will post more after
  18. Is that swapping bits or joining them together ? Keep her she is a good looking investment
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