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Posts posted by farmernick06

  1. yeah being hit i'm not sure on insurance as it could be considered as Tre-passing??, i'm sure if you let someone know what your doing and interests it may be better for you?

    Hmm yeah but where i took the pictures from where all footpaths, i didn't actually go into any of the premises, Gedneys is on a footpath, Barkers on a road and the last one on a footpath. So i don't know but if there is someone there i'll always tell them  :-\

    And hmm i didn't know that  :o I knew that Barkers sold out a while back and are in a bit of trouble from rumours i've heard but didn't know about Gednee... hmm thats a shame  :-\

  2. well blow me nicky fella  ??? ??? where the m&s lorry is i picked up salad leaves from there yesterday that is gedneys isnt it  , i got a bit lost first of all and went in barkers they told me were gedneys was them lorrys were in there then must of just missed you i was there about eight yesterday morning :o :o :o

    Thats right Gednees Graham, i know Mr. Gednee quite well he promised me a job when im 16  :D :D Well thats just sods law mate, that would of been quite a coincidence. Im like 5mins from there so if your in the area again feel free to drop in  ;) ;) It's quite an unusual old place in there, with the cemetery next to it it gives me the creeps  :) :)

    Yeah sorry Ben, i know im going to get in a lot of trouble one day but i know quite a few of the people so it should be alright but im more worried about being hit by something  :-\

  3. go in and pretend you are looking for somewhere and when they ask whats the name of the place  give the address of the farm next door  ;) ;) :D;D

    Spose i could do that Rich, wish it was that simple. At Barkers they wouldn't understand you ... all German  :o:( And the others today all walked round in hi-vis and if i said hello they would probably die in shock ..  :( :( I want to see what really goes on though, see how everything is packed would be very interesting  :-\

  4. Looking good so far Nick.

    Would in not be easier to just put the border around the field then fill the whole thing in with coffee or soil and then just make the furrows with one of your implements (like what TM810 and others have done) ???

    Thanks Scott, it would indeed of been easier but i wanted the beds to be quite larger and i haven't really got anything capable of doing that. Will definetly be my second option if this looks rubbish, got 2 beds done so far sealed the ends and only 8 to go zzzzzzzzzzz

  5. Started making a field tonight, based it on really thick card and then started to make some beds.. the idea is that i have marked out beds according to the width of the basic McCormick CX105 ( my irrigation tractor) and then im going to put card for the sides of the bed and then paint the whole thing brown, then after that feel the beds up with dirt  :) Any opinions on that? Will it work?

  6. Finally did something productive today, whilst the building was being refitted and repaired inside the bales had to be moved, so today they were moved back in for easy feeding. The shed was just being filled up with essential stuff really.

    Barkers sent down one of their biggest beasts, the ZTX with a vanto bale trailer. Being unloaded by our trusty eddie stobart forklift, hopefully being replaced however  :)

  7. Somethings that interested me for a while now, hoping to incorporate some ideas onto my layout.

    Just been out on my bike and a look around a few local farms as near as i could possibly get.

    The first is like a distribution depot kind of thing M&S lorry had just pulled in, the trailer is underneath this machine that i dumping all the wasted materials from the packhouses  :)



  8. Im not sure if it's even that Nick, i don't take pictures of the irrigator guys they just .. dislike me  :D

    Anway i am drifting off topic a bit, anyone know what the correct job is for it? Or is it just flattening the beds?

    And can i ask why powerstar  :-\ :-\

  9. Hi guys thanks for all the kind comments, just working on getting some crops in Nick at the moment im trying to get another board to slot in behind my shed to be the first field of the new regime really.

    Thanks Matty, it's really early stages and i've got all things like tracks to do and attention to detail is my main aim in this really want to get it life like but a huge mountain to climb, the place is such a mess at the moment.

    Thanks also Tim  :) :)

  10. Thanks Barry, it certainly does what a great day that was  :D :D Part from uncle Kelv and his buses  :D :D But amazing work by Graham i really do take my hate off to him  :)

    Thanks Old ford ( forgot your name  :-[:-[ :-[:D :D ) yeah hoping to plan a few more really if Graham can put up with my faffinf again and then build the yard around it really  :)

    Thanks for the kind words guys i look forward to start building it up  :)

  11. Im really not sure, theres like a kind of pecking order over there:

    The english drivers with the 7920s, 7430s, 6920S, 6820s, etc etc,

    The irrigation guys,  Germans.  John Deere 5720s or McCormick CX105,

    Spare drivers with odd jobs like mowing same as above

    Pickers Eastern european or Asian

    And then one day the irrigation guys especially this fat german guy decided to hate me and everytime i walk past they give me really dirty looks and start talking in German when i walk by and laughing  >:( >:( Then lower than them just hate me anyway because .. well i don't know and then the English guys are alright but some get annoyed at me taking pictures  :-\

    Im not too popular  :D :D

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