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Posts posted by farmernick06

  1. when we were silageing one year at Fairlight Place farm with the JD 4650 & Mengele SH40N there was a lad sitting on his wall at the bottom of his garden at Coastguard cottages first time round watching us pick up 1st cut  so I gave him the thumbs up from my Ford 7600 trailering along side. When we turned back round for the next row he was still there and as we passed Trev flicked the spout up and blew him clean off the wall absolutely perfectly over top of my trailer!!  I doubled up, only to find Trev hadn't even seen him let alone done it on purpose! It was such a short sharp flick, instantly corrected, I was sure he'd done it on purpose, as we seldom spilt any grass.We got to know the lad quite well over the years and I believe he works at Plumpton College..Dave Hayes I think was his name.....probably still is  ;)::)

    Fortuneately he fell back into his garden and not the nettles that were the field side.

    Interesting story Nigel, sounds like a bit of bad luck really .. just goes to show how farm accidents can happen. Im definetly more aware of everything going on machinery wise, like a few years ago i would happily stand next to a topper in action, now i've come to reliase that things flick up etc ... but i feel im starting to know the drivers now. So thats good  :) :)

  2. How about you try and make it look as though its clad in corrugated thingymajig. And how about you make some of the walls look like theyre made out of blocks just an idea.

    Good ideas mate, trying to do the corrugated iron now, but the breeze block idea is something i didn't think of .. may probably do that, thanks mate  ;) I've painted the roof grey now so looks a bit more .. um greyey  :-\ :D :D

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