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Everything posted by farmernick06

  1. Ahh yes Steve my old mucker, very nice. Looks nice with the Claas green on it Keep us posted mate looks like another lovely service van shaping up
  2. Some really stunning stuff there Richard, i like the first picture as they do alot of irrigation and the guy on the actual reel looks excellent. A very nice scene, as for the potatoes and stuff those Grimme machines look out of this world, really really good
  3. Been a weird old day today was miserable this morning, quite nice at lunchtime if not a bit cloudy and when i got home it turned miserable again and we've had the odd light shower. \
  4. Oh that really is horrible mate, i know exactly what you mean. It's like when i get any UH out of the box with all that malarky
  5. Stunning mate, i was going to say about the middle gates think they make it more reliastic looks great. Another lucky member on here
  6. Looks awesome as per usual Graham, how long is that roughly mate?
  7. Happy birthday Sven and happy birthday Will for tomorrow, have a great day mate ( I wont be in thus the reason )
  8. I don't mean to sound thick here but im not a tractor driver, wouldn't that be a bit hard to drive and manavoure? Can you see anything from the front? Looks dodgy to me \ Hate it looks wise But have a soft spot for it
  9. Excellent pictures there mate, really really great. Love the pictures of inside the Deere with the loader. Keep 'em coming mate. Awesome
  10. Just seen a Landini vision with a fuel bowser on a building site, alot smaller than i thought it would be \ Might of just been a tall driver
  11. Takes up one hell of alot of space though mate Learnt that the hard way Oh right thats quite interesting mate thanks very much for that and that would be great if you could mate
  12. Lovely pictures yet again Mart, getting better and better the new camera is certainly working a treat Mart what is the normal colour scheme for Reekie? I don't know much about them but when i snapped a Reekie de-stoner it was red \ \ Great pictures mate
  13. Because im forgetful and always changing my mind i made a similiar spreadsheet of all the UH models i wanted, has come in handy and just fill in the box when i've got it But great idea mate would like to see a few sheets like that to keep things in order. Great idea
  14. farmernick06


    Thats quite amazing really John, what did you with it?
  15. Wowza!! Excellent effect there Tris, has come out a treat. A lovely little shed you have there, looks unbelievably realistic
  16. Quite sunny down here today been a bit warm at lunchtime but very cloudy and extremely extremely windy, yet still warmish \
  17. Great start Gav, just had a look in my photo archive for you might be some help. Looks awesome mate, im sure your a magician Gav \
  18. Thanks everyone ... as a wise short man once told me farms aren't perfect. The mess and bits around are what makes a great diorama and i want to start to mess it up by leaving oil drums around etc, so the overcrowdedness is kind of effective. Some more pictures tomorrow hopefully, i moved a few bits around
  19. For me i would just go for looks and get either a Claas Ares or the Axion \ \ But probably swirve off and go down to the Deere dealership for a 7430
  20. 'Allo allo haven't seen it in ages and the policeman ... 'Good moaning .. i was pissing the cafe' :D Classic! And my girlfriend got her face painted with the chelsea lion and she went on webcam where it had all smeared with tears after the Arsenal game :) ;D
  21. You could probably afford two :D Swirving slightly off topic i take it \ Sorry guys
  22. Well me and you are off to Delhi then for .. an FTF Curry internal organs burning .. grudge match thing :D
  23. Make sure you have sufficient levels of toilet roll whenever having a curry mate Always :D
  24. I know large animals like bulls and horses are normally ?3.99, then say a cow laying down or a sow or boar would be ?3.00 and then calfs, foals, piglets ?2.50-?3.00 ... so there not cheap
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