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Everything posted by Kiwi6920

  1. Hey guys i decided id have a we go at a post thumper since i got a lot of fences to do on my new block, i hve the mast and the frame made up, i have the monkey done but its drying so ill have another pic 2morrow, Let me know what you think so far
  2. Looks pretty good, what doner tractors have you used ? im currently tinkering with a 6410 chassis and a custom bonnet
  3. Arnt there rules about photo shoping real machines down 2 32scale? That Looks SUPER just like my beast i love it
  4. Looks realy nice there mate, i have to admit that all the red looks realy nice
  5. . Thanks lady farmer I think its going to be my dairy dry stock run off that herds 300 ma cows and does the grass silage and hay, with vintage cotractors doing the large work,
  6. She looks realy good there spud, looks like a half decent model also do the wheels spin inderpendtly on each side or are they on a solid axle ?
  7. Ok i lied there are only 2 pics there... Here is the 3rd, sorry they are a little fuzzy
  8. Hey guys and gals, ive finaly found all my models in my new house and have set up my new dio in the 4th room, its limted to one sheet of ply wood now :'( But i recon its looking prety good, i have a large hole in my yard so im open to ideas what to fill it with here are 3 pics to have a nosey at
  9. That looks realy good, super detail in it, If you realy want a true grass look go to you local model shop and get a roll of railway grass, it looks realy realy good, it adds the final touch, I love the scenes you did to make this padock, are you going to do a whole farm?
  10. That looks pretty cool there spud, its thinking out side the box, i like it, there hasnt been a real one has there?
  11. Hmmm they must over here or you wouldnt see 8wheeler conventional tractor units with 4 axle trailers..... Just looked up the ht road code, and yes idel,drivers do make a huge weight capacity diffrence
  12. Thanks for the pic andy, I wonder how many of the poor we ducklings got run over buy the big brute of a ford??
  13. Welcome to the forum mar, you will love it here, I have afew JDs and i use the 7920 for the crap jobs , ill take the 7930 any day of the week, it has a better turning circle than the 20, it has a hitch that can hold a 7furrow siu plough, or a 6 m power harrow, i have the usa edition with duals, but ive put it on bar axle for ploughing, Hope this helps you out a bit, just let me knw if you want pics, but go for the 7930 over the 7920
  14. It wouldnt be over if it was tandom drive would it? In re gards to single scanias, the only ones i can think of are the old 1980,s ones,
  15. Looks blooming nice there tris, add anothe axle to that topline and its the same as one i see alot hualing around here, allways has ag gear on to
  16. You are never to old for it, im 21 and just starting to get in to it
  17. Its been a pig of a season here, my mate has 100ha of maze around my place, normaly its gone buy now, the other day they came and had a play and what they planted earily was at 27% so they pulled the pin, they are going to try again in a couple of weeks, should have some pics when they do, Tris, what is dicky driving? not a bad pic for a cellphone a,
  18. Im just waiting in my second headder to arrive and the etra trailers and the farm hand baler :'( its looking like i might miss out, my padock keeps blowing away so the crop cant be mowed
  19. That is better than the real thing, words dont do it any good, SUPER work there
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