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Everything posted by Kiwi6920

  1. Yeah thats the stuff i have in front of me rite now.Ill gove it a go and ill have results on monday or so
  2. Doesnt that fog the window up good and proper or is that the old suff? imsure the revell stuf i have melts clear
  3. Not overly that much now... Ive shaved the roof and reshaped the pillars...I just need a front window or 2 to finish ( ive broken one trying to straighten it already) If any one can help it would be super and would get this finshed off
  4. Here is a link to a pic of ones that are very very simlar tothe ones in my book http://images.google.co.nz/imgres?imgurl=http://www.doa.go.th/aedweb/TractorTires-TireStrakes-48.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.doa.go.th/aedweb/abstract-48-3TractorTires-Tire%2520Strakes.htm&h=145&w=239&sz=10&hl=en&start=2&tbnid=IsmMJFwpqe9YCM:&tbnh=66&tbnw=109&prev=/images%3Fq%3D%2Btractor%2BStrakes%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den Hope this helps out
  5. " Double the POWER of your tractor with OPPERMAN "Quickgrip" Tractor Strakes IN and OUT of action with the flick of lever Fig 1.6 Opperman strakes were made for most popular makes of tractor during the 1950s Illscan the pic later This was taken from . Fifty Years of farm machinery Brian bell
  6. There is one other impotant detailmissing... The fact that the beaters dont move when its driven Im sure the britiains one does ( could be wrong there) the old siku one does... Would it realy be that hard for siku to make it belt driven or somting like that?
  7. Its not a current production tractor and its too new to be a classic so we are s#it out of luck for atleat 5 years when they might consider it a classic.... We could do a partition....... Im sure if we got enough votes/singnitures for a 7810ertl/rc2 would have to look at doingone wouldnt they?? I was going for the look of a 7810 not the exact replica... But i am happy that i have had the push to get it looking as it should... I do like the look of yours pual but i recon that forit to look super you need to shave a few mm of the cab top... Just to the frame looks good i recon... There is no frame realy.. its a 2 pice casting... you have to cuut all the windows out the guard off... i am going to have a crack at scratch building a cabin frameas i didnt cut my plastic one properly and its not even close 2 square now... The only real way to get the cab perfect is to alter the mtx one alot ( bout 2 hrs work alone) ofr to scratch build one.... thats if you want a perfict 7810... If you want a replica just get a new bonet and a lick of paint on 2 a mtx...Thats my oppion on it now...
  8. Ifi can get this little bugger sorted... Yea you can... I dont think im going to end up super happy with it tho... its not lookingas it does in my head
  9. Ahhh ill try find some specs.. my 7010 series brochure dont have dimensions Its a real pain in the neck 2
  10. Ummmmm : I couldnt tell you now sorry FP the 7410..... well you cant tellit was one now... there is just a pile of green plastic bits on my desk now and a little bit of black there.... i think they were fairly close...
  11. Cheers beetwood mac.... I think it looks like butchery at its worst now \
  12. looking at big brother it looks about correct What do you guys think ?
  13. Those pics make me wana go drive for Jhon..... I love those pics tris Thanks for putting them up m8
  14. looks realy nice there... Over here i think we aremainly bulk spuds now... well they are around me any way
  15. The ones i know of work like Dwross said.. 4 or 6 bolts you slackend of then drove forward and they flickout.. Ihad some on my fordson but i got rid of that tractor ( she was getting water in the oil...there are realy good for extra traction
  16. Now that i look at my books the axle is close to correct. In some pics the bonnet is at the front edge of the wheels and in others the bonnet is just behind them closer to the middle
  17. Idont think im going totry and alter the axle... The cab has been 2 much of a *****... atm its looking likea one off...
  18. ;DThe 7410 arrived today.....I sum how sliped and the dremel cut in to it : still dont kno how tho Any way i now have 2 cab options.... what do you think? The first one is the plastic one with both cab and bonnet, the second one is plastic bonnet and mtx cab. which one?
  19. Thank you so much there GGG that has helped me find out what i wanted. Howto trip it... My m8 has one of these and he couldnt find any thoing on how they triped.You havecome thru and cleared it up for us Thank you once again Ps markey.... You didnt fail..You helped the situation by joging others memories... I love this place. At least ONE person knows something about what you want.... I honstly dont know how i would survive with out the forum for th info i need Thanks alot guys
  20. Thanks for that Markey...Idont know what the triplooks like so i dont know if its in the pic : And what massey thing inst strange looking ?
  21. They arent over rated over here and i belive that JD are the NZ market leaders folowed buy CNH You cant have been paying much attention to me then.... Ive made alot of low blows to masseys
  22. :o What I wassnt onthe list already??? thats just sad there.... You know im JD thru and Thru
  23. Somevery nice and funny pics there. Love the knackered maseeys
  24. I think you need to go for a drive with your camrea there tris... His kit is god damn sexy
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