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Everything posted by Kiwi6920

  1. She is beuatfull, im sure there is one close to me, i might have to do some digging
  2. She is one very sexy looking lady there, very well cared for, guess it takes longer to rust in aussie since its so dry compared to nz, i love the 7740 very nice tractors to drive , looks like a serious loader on the front of her, Thanks for the super pics
  3. I hope you were sampling stupidly large amounts whilst doing this
  4. Trust me these rakes are as good as the real thing if not better! ill get some pics up by the end of the week
  5. Yea ive been there and done the howard 2, real pig of a baler to learn on, I kept breaking teh shear bolts ( i wasnt using the proper ones for a good reason) so we ened up getting a gehl witch burnt out at the end of that season, the old howard is still in the shed but its missing its notters and no one knows how to put them on :
  6. Looks super the FM the new ray trucks dress up nicely a,
  7. Appart from that they sounded super and pull like a train i love getting in 2 father inlaws 5130
  8. Is it possable to see the model corner online as i cant get this issue till around june as NZ is that far behind
  9. Whats the point in it? would it affect the steering?
  10. Those are VERY very nice pics, whos is it holmes?
  11. Looks super, looks just like the real thing, the back door is a lil odd tho.... guess it worked tho
  12. Looks realy good there, it looks more life like, good work
  13. It could just be a yard tractor for tidying up the stock piles? would make sence with semi industrial tyres and a small grapple?
  14. That is true, but it is nothing like the 7810, and its all plastic, I wouldnt mind seeing a zetor, But the poll has changed since it was started tho, zetor wasnt on the orignal list
  15. ;D I now have a secret weapon for my silage pics They look super datman, I cant wait to get them on my 7930 and 8530, They look to be a of a realy good quality to, and bloody cheap, Im not going to sleep friday nite now ill be to excited, Cheers
  16. They look really god gav, Are you thinking of trying some "s" (spring) tyne ones with the roller ?
  17. She is Beutafull i love the old high hp girls even the 1150 mf they have such a stuanch apperance, and they sound so god damn nice
  18. That looks realy good there spud, Are you going to do any to sell? For making the single borded affect coud you just cut a sheet with a table saw wound rite down so it only just cuts?? i was just wondering
  19. Does it have to be grass silage? I wana have a go at maze since its what we a doing here
  20. Wow words dont do that any good. Thats the idea i had for mine, fatter tracks realy set it off. What tracks are they? I had some JD ones on mine it only takes a lil thinking to make these super models Thanks for the super pics
  21. Looks good sean id take either one iven tho the second one could be a 2040 i recon, if you can do it to a 2040 ill take it as my father inlaw has one, Nice to see you branching out and not just mocking jds
  22. click on this link http://www.tedmontgomery.com/convrsns/index.html If you cant find the conversion you need i dont think its possable, i never knew half these things existed
  23. looks like shes a good basic baler, a local contractor had one this year, he blew the drive up twie on it, 16hp on hills, they dont like it, hes gone back to his class but was looking green
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