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Everything posted by Kiwi6920

  1. Re the door, didnt some one do a simple convo on how to make the door open?
  2. Kiwi6920

    jd line up

    That is one nice line up, wish our jd fleet looked like that, might one day if im lucky or when i own all of them
  3. Ahh ok, not overly commen to have the small hedges you have that need a flail, we have bigg hedges over here and we have large machines for trimming our hedges, our machine has 4 1m saw type blades on, did a hedge a few weeks ago, took the top out of it, 14m high, the tops we mid sized trees
  4. would you have a loader on your k110? handy for clean up or does the farmer do that?
  5. You are a legond arnt you mate, no way i could get any of our tractors cleaned in under 1 hour
  6. those look aussome, you have some super talent, how many hrs in each of them then?
  7. looks like a good fun day fm, how do you find time, farming, models , tractor runs, you are a busy boy arnt you
  8. looks stright compared to my last paddock, that was a horid thing, mate who is a contractor did a worse job in a easyer paddock tho
  9. looking good mark, looks like you have the market sowen up here if you start selling them that is.....
  10. That would look good pete, or you could put a set of class tripples on the back
  11. That place looks very intresting, thanks for the link
  12. Stunning pics, love the quality. Thanks for taking the time to take them and post them, Thanks
  13. Going to have to go to my local tile shop, could will be usefull for my next build
  14. looking smart fm, top job you did there, these trucks are good fun arnt they,
  15. Nice kit there, we can see where he has been shopping, realy smart colection tho, i quite like my dirt gear
  16. What maxxum mate? im swaping the 5130 for the 2140jd sick of the uncomftable cab, the 21 has a better cab lay out and its older
  17. its a pi$$ poor job toyboy, send it to me for destruction now, My god that thing is the best bulker i have seen, top work to you, saw one like this outside the frehuaff factory in town ( they are made in nz also) looked realy smart Any chance of a line up of all the trailers now?
  18. Driven a 699 i think it was, when you dont know the gearbox pattern, real a$$ of a tractor to drive, got told to use the 6255 insted it had a shuttle i was happy :D Shes a tidy looker muarry, she your ride?
  19. Smart looking there denis, i use to use one of those before id suck the pond out, lernt the hard way, have GOOD, brakes, we would chain the tractor to a couple of 1 ton blocks in the end, had our poor old ford 4610 sucked in on our stirer, hence the leson
  20. That trailer looks sweet there FM, that white truck, is it a 6x4 or 6x2?
  21. Abasloutly blooming well stunning boys, cant wait to see tris,s work next year Thanks for the pics mark
  22. That is a nice line up tris, like that chelly in the yard
  23. Ohh yeah thats the stuff pete, ill get some pics of the mowing 4955 for you
  24. Shes a good looker ad, when you get sick of her ill take her of your hands, ill even drive her all the way to nz :D
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