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Everything posted by Kiwi6920

  1. Well that was 3/5 of sweet f all ;D
  2. Mark and mandy were looking at the damage caused by the "bazza weight" them masseys just cant stand him
  3. Love the detail on her there pete, cant wait to see her finshed
  4. Thanks for the pics mark, cant wait for april now, the mrs is even excited about how many models are there Thanks again
  5. 2 1/4 inchs of rain in 12 hours, got 2 paddocks in dirt mud now, was ment to drill one today
  6. In nz i havent seen a drawbar machine over 300hp4wd, mate has a new 9330 with 3point hitch and pto,
  7. Hmmm now if i get on the plane now and it takes 24hrs to fly over, would i make it intime to get that 3050 pual That is bloody stunning Top job
  8. Looks good mate, for the folding you could put some string or chain from side to side under the main frame and when you fold the inner wings down the out side pull upwards... Just a idea for you
  9. Have fun every one thats going... Cant wait for the pics, Cant wait to meet most of you next time
  10. Errrmmmm Mark... where is that DO NOT DISTURB sign for the toilet, i need it, that 4240 god damn, and that 3650, mate they are perfect, they look so much at home there, love all the detail you have put in thanks for posting the pics
  11. Nahh he would just send it to your local Deere dealer as a part
  12. Nice job there kev, about as straight as my last paddock, aiming to have my next paddock dead straight, has a hill in it tho \ Dont know about you but i love the smell of fresh ploughed dirt... thanks for the pics
  13. Funny you memtion the real 4240. im driving it now... cant wait to see the 49 finshed.
  14. :o That is beutafull, you have some skill with your convos peter, i wish i could do the same, would be chaeper :D
  15. Reading all this makes me think i cant wait for april bugger the models, it will be meeting you folks that will be the high light, few months to go Hope the frankie demo day is going still in april markyx
  16. Nice workshop therjez, to clean tho, looks like a hosptial almost. Love the sloagen on the side of that trailer, that is class
  17. Bloody cracking rig there jez (no pun intended) That is a work of art, just need the plough now
  18. All i was going to say was if hes not doing one for you he is doing one for me Ill find my pics of the 4955 with tripples on the back, you want to do a 4440 2wd Peter?
  19. How many are you doing pete, i can see one heading to nz to drive tripple mowers like my mate does ;)
  20. No that would be the 5130 trying to drag you up after the "Big Bang" from the real work
  21. I would clean her out good and proper, 3 mtr power harrow and a hill that is steep enough that a quad bike isnt very safe.... She would die of shock proberly :D
  22. Send frankie over here marky, ive got 4 ha to clean her cob webs out with my 3mtr power harrow, the 5130 is sick of it now :
  23. You trying to turn fanny in to the tractor that was found in nz this year.... 135mf with 124 hours :o Genuine, with log book... fanny will be the same in 30 years
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