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Everything posted by powerrabbit

  1. I think that one of these spreaders when quite full would probably spin the tractor!
  2. Had a delivery today from my usually trusted supplier of 50 years of red diesel, kerosene and DERV. The delivery was from a different depot than normal and a rather arrogant driver who decided that my DERV tank was not safe so told me he would not fill it so I told him to clear off. Re-ordered from another local Company, explained the situation and they said that they had several of this other Companies customers with similar problems and said they would supply no problem. Bloody jobsworth!
  3. If anyone else is interested in acquiring 'Lightly Rolled' then there are 4 more listed on eBay from the same chap as discussed before for the same BIN price of £34.50 + £4.50 p&p. Bargain!!!
  4. There were 2 of the Country Artists Fordson Major studies in the tent with the models in the auction at Malvern, did intend to see them sold and for what price but didn't get back there in time, too buisy chatting. Would have liked to know what they made. I think this one's called 'Major Decision'. There are several in the 'series', a Nuffield driving over a bridge is one that springs to mind, a few on eBay at the moment and are making as much as the Border stuff.
  5. Looks like one headlamp in the grille panel. What's it going to be called, Cyclops?
  6. Ebay purchase, 'Country Artists' 'New Delivery'. Posted up in the Border Fine Arts Tractors topic.
  7. Last few. The chap to me looks something like Adam off Countryfile and Lambing Live. He's holding the operators handbook for the Fergie and if you magnify the open pages you can actually read them. Wonder if Marky F has one of these? (Probably)
  8. The detail of the engine and everything under the bonnet is as good as any UH model. It's even got a padlock on the toolbox. The yard surface has in places a shine on the gravel surface in places, especially on the drain cover just like water, the tractor has just been washed. The rear end has everything, check-chains, plough lamp and even the numbers and letters on the numberplate are raised.
  9. BFA studies may be considered the creme de la creme of sculpture studies in farming and related subjects but how many I wonder actually know that they now own 'Country Artists' as well. Concidered by many as 'poor mans BFA' they do actually produce some really good studies and in certain areas are better than BFA. I have just aquired one of these Country Artists studies of a Ferguson TE20. This study is titled 'New Delivery' and was issued in 2003. I don't think that this study is saying the tractor is new, just that it is new to the chap stood by it, in 1947 I think that Argyle wellingtons, boilersuits and Barbour jackets were not yet invented. This study is very big, a lot larger than the BFA studies, I would say twice the size. The tractor is nearer to 1:16 models and the detail is second to none. Here are a few pictures of this quite stunning study. Take notice of the front side light brackets that actually fold back. And the little tufts of grass growing on the yard surface. The bonnet actually tips forward.
  10. If doing the early 5000 it would have been fitted with a Selene axle. The Roadless axle was fitted to the later 6x models I believe.
  11. The chart, depending on the angle of your monitor can look darker or lighter. Vapormatic do a paint chart for tractors and machinery paints, get one of these, they're free, and when looking for paint, take it with you to match.
  12. There was an article a long while back in Classic Tractor on these, the one featured was a 7000 based one I think. Rory would know about these.
  13. VW 'Pargas Blue' for the trailer and Rover 'Vermillion' for the wheels I would say. I keep a good stock of aerosol paints for projects and get the 500ml cans from the local auto section of Trago Mills for around £1.75 a can.
  14. Thanks Andy. Perhaps I've got too much time on my hands but when I find something like this I can't identify I find it very interesting trying to find out and researhing it. Helps a lot to find all the books on toys and models, especially for early models, that's the way to gain knowledge if you're seriously into any subject and you seem to retain the information better too. Don't be afraid to restore it, the wheels were left bare metal, you won't spoil it, there's plenty more out there. Forgot to say that it's roughly to 1:48 scale.
  15. Made by Benbros in the early 1950's. Representing a Ferguson T20. would have had a driver similar to the Britains E27N Major but thicker cast. They come in several colour variations, yellow and green being most common. There is another variant with a cab and front loader with the loader atached and pivoting on the front lower 'windscreen' pillars of the cab. Cab one is not so common.
  16. Those Wilder muck pile spreaders never did work very well in practice, they tended to rise over the heap and if you just crept over the heap they tended just to loosen it up and kick it backward a few feet and you still had to finish the job by hand with a fork. That's probably why the one at Malvern was in such good original nick, the owner probably gave up on it, where are the rest? Probably traded in for half a dozen long handled forks.
  17. A very good show, can't compare to other years as it's the first I've been to in three years but the place was buzzing and absolutely heaving with people. The auction seemed to go on for ever, in fact most of the day it seemed, didn't see anything sold as there was not much that interested me and it was so cold you didn't want to stand around for any length of time. in the auction there were I reckon at least 40 tractors up for sale from complete baskets to highly restored and quite a bit of other machinery and the usual scrap. The sheds were full of nice exhibits and some nice 'real life' dioramas and the trade stalls and stands seemed to be doing a roaring trade and people were all carrying bags of loot so they must have been spending. The food caterers were also doing a good trade with it being so cold but were rather expensive in my mind, Me and Martin, my mate who I went with and his little boy had our dinner in the Stockmans restraunt, had a job to find a seat and a table but the food was a good wide and varied choice which was hot and very good value for the money. Congrats again to the FTF boys on their stand, again a cracking display and very nice to see some old faces again and meeting some new ones for the first time. A very enjoyable and rewarding first day.
  18. Had a fantastic day thanks, met new freinds and old ones and even some locals to me who were there. Absolutely heaving with people but very cold with a sneaky wind, thank goodness the sheds were heated.
  19. Spent a fair wadge at Malvern today. UH Valtra 6850 HiTech in dealer box. SpecCast Caterpillar D2 with blade. 1:16. FTF 7000 & cultivator set and the grey ValtraT161. Scale Craft plastic 'snap together' MF165 'motorised' kit tractor, built but with original box. Vanguards Austin A40 red van decalled as a David Brown service van, done by the D.B. Club. And some real tractor bits and bobs.
  20. I expect to see this covered in a dedicated topic but until then, went to 'Tractor World' at Malvern today with a mate and his little lad. Will post more when the topic starts.
  21. Just this second bought this. Hope I've done the right thing. Seemed too good to miss. What do you guys think? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220563686705&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT
  22. Never have much trouble with mice as I've got 2 dogs and anything living either of them manage to catch is not living long and pulped. By the way Bill, sent you a PM.
  23. Just received this little beauty today. From the 'Mice On Fruit' series. None of these come with a wooden plynth. The detail is quite stunning and a nice little study for those that like small furry things.
  24. Here are some all round shots of this BFA study, 'Picking Potatoes'. Some really nice detail but looking into the girls eyes she looks like she may have spent the previous night in the pub.
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