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Everything posted by SMurF

  1. Just got home from Ilfracombe Hope you that are going tommorow have an enjoyable day Just watch out for the queue jumper ;) ;) You know who you are
  2. today I as been to woolacombe and am staying in ilfracoombe ;D Been quite sunny and warm so far today
  3. Now that just makes me feel like seeing how much my white MB with hopper with evrything in tact (less box) would go for And it only cost about 3 quid when new \
  4. Come on then OF you need some NMB therapy New Model Building Still Make sure youre health is good first and then get back to the farm when you feel like it Look forwards to your future offerings REGARDS SMurF
  5. Today I finally got into my fields of beans But not with the combine OH NO With a topper and chopped the lot up \ Wasn't worth the bother of harvesting them as they where so poor , So the decision was taken to cut our losses and chop em up Then went ploughing for a while Very hard going And to think only a few weeks ago it was too wet to plough \
  6. SMurF

    MF old girl

    And it is still fully functional
  7. I can't get hold of one anywhere at the moment Have tried wh smiths And even the local distribution company But to no avail So shall keep on looking and hopefully I won't have to wait untill december to see the second edition Unless anyone can help out with one \ Regards SMurF
  8. SMurF

    MF old girl

    Was driving this for a neighbour yesturday evening He's had it since new But don't ask how old she is as I don't know Was quite nostalgic driving it as we had a 65 but it died 18 years ago and it was a very good tractor
  9. I think that one of the main reasons f+s failed was the price of the mag itself considering that the content started out pretty good but then went more towards long winded articles about one or two types of models per issue spread out over half of the magazine and when you think that there was only usually about 24 pages you had read it from front to back in about 2 hours which left you wondering was it worth it. I did get evry copy that was printer But only because It was part of my hobby If I hadn't of subscribed to it and had to buy it off the shelf I don't think I would have after a few coppies as a trip down to WH Smiths on an afternoon I could have read anything interesting. The new mag that you talk about I have yet to find anywhere at the moment but I will keep serching Normal Appologies for grammer and articulation
  10. Well it was an old quary and what great fun we had too 15 quid + petrol for a day of absolute madness But great fun Supprising where them Suzukis will go
  11. Is it done like that for thatching as I've seen something similar round this way Doesn't smash up the stems like a combine Getting very rare to see it done this way nowadays
  12. It's all cleaned off and ready for the next time allready Don't believe in leaving it dirty as things sieze up on them too easilly
  13. Went for a little drive arround the country side ;D ;D Must have been a little bit of mud on the road
  14. Can't say that it annoyed me but it did upset me hearing about Colin Mcrae Seen him drive a few times and he was one of the best drivers this nation has ever seen RIP To a Much admired driver
  15. SMurF

    big ploughs

    Didn't think I was going totally mad ;D
  16. SMurF

    big ploughs

    The last one looks like a DP7 \
  17. What do you mean late Ive only just turned mine for the first time today :D
  18. SMurF


    Whats it supposed not to be then
  19. Only pull a dowdeswell dp8b 3 furrow as there is a lot of hilly and heavy clay land on the farms
  20. Pluffing and baleing Had problems with the baleing as it was too dry and wouldnt compact down enough and was too springy Still got on with some ploughing
  21. Most of the big balers are now set from within the cab on the computer On old style balers there was usually a slider and a bolt to adjust the lengh
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