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Everything posted by SMurF

  1. If you peel the top white layer off gently then carefully damp lte next layer it comes away without leaving those tufty bits Fair play for having a go It does look pretty good Spray cartons are a good source for it as they are a little bit stronger than the avrage box
  2. Give the picture i did a try and see what you think
  3. 4 rows should equate to 36 inches wich scales to aprox 30mm in size or 1 and 1/8 of an inch did you try and just load the blocks I posted straight into paint \
  4. Lonely on here with just 3 unidentified guests to keep me company ;D Off to take my friends to the airport at 5 \ So this is what 4.50 looks like I'm usually looking at the inside of my eyelids at this time of day ;D
  5. Now Now thats no way to talk about Marky
  6. Cut a piece of the side corrugated plastic down to cover the top and that will look sweeeeeeeeeet Well done fo having a go
  7. At your age FP you should be trying to keep it secret You'll soon be getting to that big 4-0 but then again i can't say too much as i'll get there first :'( :'( Anyway Many happy returns of the day to you sir Plenty of sherbert tonight then
  8. Or an alternative is sand paper the grey fine stuff from B&Q cut up to represent layed floors \
  9. Starting to take shape Nice to see another farm builder on the forum If you need any advice or help Don't hessitate to ask as one of us might know the answer Regards SMurF
  10. Just tried it and it isn't levell and gets too repetative with the patern and the courses run out and into each other
  11. I've tried it in the past and it comes out looking like a repetitive block of squares and the origonal picture needs to be exactly level or else you can't get the brick courses to align
  12. They where before I had to play about with them With your picture see if you can make a wall the size of an A4 sheet of paper \
  13. How does this look \ Concrete blocks
  14. They are actually roof tiles ;D Played arround with paint a bit to see if it would work
  15. See if you could make anything of this \
  16. Might be a bit difficult to weather it As it is photocopied paper and colouring in individual bricks with a pencil would take an eternity
  17. Here is a sweetner What do you think \ Doesn't look too bad I'm now working on a print out for roofing tiles Thanks ben for your assistance
  18. May I sugest some 1/64 ply from a good model shop stick the card to it with contact adhesive As this will allow it to bend around the profile of the foof and it will streanghthen the card for the sides and back Just a thought \
  19. Have search through Down at smurfs Some of it may help you FB has done some as well as deerest amongst many What sort of building do you want to create And may i sugest a jig for making up the frame work as it makes things a lot easier to get exact copies of each frame. Secure the shed into some mdf to stop the flexing when you are building it
  20. We all learn the hard way most of the time Hope it goes better next time Is it that craft card that you where cladding with \ did you try using polyester varnish as it is thicker usually than most Regards SMurF
  21. Today I had a thought about how expensive the plastic wall cladding was getting whilst covering my sheds (I'm still doing a bit evrery now and then) I had 1 piece of cladding left and didn't want to spend another god knows how more 6 quid per sheet to complete the project So I sent mrs smurf off to staples armed with the last bit of cladding to see if they would be able to photo copy it for me and the end result is brilliant exept that you don't get the texture. It looks just the same and all for 29p per A4 sheet. I have tried scanning it in the past but it took too much ink to reproduce due to it all being red. Shall probably be bending some sort of copyright but at 29p I shall take my chances
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