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Everything posted by SMurF

  1. I bet its a bit funny of a saturday night down the local with your mates and they order 2 pints of guiness 1 pint of lager and a john deere 6920s Please barman ;D ;D ;D Just Kidding
  2. Too darned hot for this time of year Bring on the thunder and lightning which usually follows this kind of spring weather
  3. What a $h1tty few days some of you lot have been having \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Sorry to hear all of yours bad news
  4. Bad news paul but at least there is one consolation YOU WON'T DO IT AGAIN Good luck with the rebuild
  5. I would suggest that you borrow a more modern tractor as you would benefit from lights, Indcators, good brakes But you can still take your test on it I think \ As it is a tractor after all As for the fergy if you are going to use it for pleasure ie road runs you don't nessascarily need a roll bar but it would be advisable and if anybody else is likely to drive it it will deffinately need one
  6. They are a good piece of kit they are the same as you use in tileing for cutting the beads with Never used them on model making as I like my knife and old tricks die hard
  7. Marky could you please kindly donate the 2640 to me when you have finished with her as she would make a great companion for mine ;D PS a tractor is never on its last legs It just goes lame for a while
  8. I must appologise Jez as I hadn't seen your buildings before now Must have slipped by But may i say that you have made a good job of your sheds Shall now keep up to date with your progress Regards SMurF
  9. That is one wierd chimney stack \ Look forwards to the progress
  10. This is a realy wierd thing but there where just a minute ago 20+ guests viewing this topic \ \ \ \ Am I missing something or are the weather forcasters viewing the topic to see whats happening across the globe ;D
  11. I'd go for one of them or even a good Mega
  12. Speed wise depending on soil composition go as fast as the tractor will pull them as the movement of the soil will aid in the breaking process in medium soil if it is heavy soil first go with a stedy speed in the direction of the plough to loosen and levell the clods then when finished go over it in the other direction at a good speed as not to labour the tractor too much and it should break it down a fair ammount Does that make sence \
  13. Usually a weeping wall is set up next to the lagoon Made from concrete blocks which are pourous the wet slurry/straw is piled up and left so the liquid part of the muck seeps through the wall and is channeled away to the lagoon leaving a more manageable solid material to be carted off in the spreader. Saves getting the lagoon full of straw.
  14. Same way as you do on a standard trailed baler The computer tells you Not like the good old days when you had to watch everything from the cab As for powering the baler Can't quite work it out as if it was powered by the combine it would eat up too much power as they need about 150 horses on a tractor and as for donkey engine, can't see one dut that may be a fuel tank on the back of the baler unless it is an additive tank \
  15. I have found that they soon go if you try to sell them something instead Like a tractor Can be quite fun at times and if they don't get the hint hang up
  16. Don't think that i have ever watched an interesting game of football ;D ;D
  17. Now then OF you have been warned about that young couple from down the lane
  18. My ideas of what this rake is good for is iff you want a lot of good quality silage you should cut it short and offten so as to not let the grass go to seed so if you cut the grass at about a foot high with normal equiptment you would get lots of rows with not a lot in them. But if you used a rake like this one it would enable the harvester to keep a steady and heavy crop going through it without a lot of forward speed which in contrast with todays prices of fuel would considerably cut costs. And with cutting the grass shorter would enable the silage producer to harvest 4 or more crops over the growing season of good quality high value silage. And as for where it could be used I would hazard a guess at Holland, Germany and a few other European countries that do a lot of silage on a big scale with some realy enormouse fields
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