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Everything posted by SMurF

  1. Yeah got a box and tipped em in ;D :D
  2. Today has been a bit of a mixed bag firstly went tedding out a small paddock for a neighbour next tried to conventional bale some barley straw but it was just too thin and smashed up to get a decent bale so gave up and will spread it later then tried one of the fields out for sub soilong but the tractor seemed to want to go deeper than the subsoiler then rowed up the neighbours hay with the 5610 and round baled it with the 2640 then got in the so called bales that where attempted earlier Most of them ended up busted and to round the day off had the front end of the laverda to peices again to mend a broken deflector and put it back together again, again Getting quite handy at removing the concave and front elevator 4 hours out, repaired and then back together again minus fixxing a few guars which will be done in the morning before the next round of multi tasking takes hold of the day
  3. Now i think they aught to move the dates of spalding to a day when something is not happening to me as last one dad had the stroke and this one is on the day i get back off my holliday We need a show in january Nothing happens on the farm in january I wish that I could be there this time if only to jump the queue like someone did a while ago ;D ;D
  4. Very nice OF You must be minted considering all your 1/32 and DEWALT tools aswell Glad to see you back building again after your NHS holiday Regards SMurF
  5. MF 2680 with NH 376 baler and browns flat 8 sledge MF 590 With MF 80 loader and browns Flat 8 grab FORD 5610 with PZ haybob ;D ;) And I drove them all
  6. A lovely Laverda 132 MF 2640 and a tatty 5610 And a lot of new holland tractors and variouse machimary but didn't have the time to browse \
  7. Finally got the combineing started today and promptley broke it Got it mended after about an hour of trying to find a split link Then bueried it up to the axle in a wet patch in the field Got it out Finnished all that i could without going near the low lying part of the field And after the initial breakage the old Laverda run as sweet as a nut (Untill tomorrow) ;D
  8. Tonight I've been being a sad gitt as my better half calls me I've been cataloguing all of my models with all relevant product codes and release prices
  9. Don't use glasses use a brick it hurts more ;D ;D ;D Sorry Marky I aint had a dig in a while ;D *
  10. Do they bale the rape straw there \ Round here it all gets chopped
  11. That seriousely looks like barley/wheat straw to me \ \ did you do the wrong photo bucket link But nice bales all the same better than the garbage that I'll be getting when mine dries enough to combine
  12. Britains and UH won't go up much in price as all of the raw materials are going to china and that's why germany has to pay more for it ;) :D Might be true \ \ \
  13. Next door neighbours have an 07 lexion 580 terra got rid of an 580 terra \ that wasn't that old
  14. Do the druids do some sort of seremony and then kill it at stone henge ;D ;D
  15. Surely some of the military kits might have that sort of engine in them \
  16. Finalley got to spray off the set asside pluss gave a field of wheet a dose of roundup to get rid of the squich which has had a field day with all of the rain Mowed first lot of grass for hay, not too good as their is a lot of rotting stuff in the bottom And moved the combine to the other farm so as to be able to make a start on the barley in a couple of days when the field will be able to carry the tractors and combine (still very wet at the mo) So quite an eventfull day for a change
  17. Glad to see you back in action OF Nice pictures
  18. OOOH another one to add to my loader collection Looks a damn fine bit of kit
  19. part no ps0416 o gauge paving 4mm is a bit too small
  20. I think it is 4mm paving in embossed plastic sheet but I may be wrong Can't find it at the mo but I'm sure it is in the HOBBY'S cattalogue from WH Smiths \
  21. Cheers boys 38 today and better looking all the time Well I have to think it as no one else does ;D ;D * * * * * * * *
  22. Now that is just plain torment ;D ;D But thanks anyway jason
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