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Everything posted by SMurF

  1. AH competition ;D ;D But seriousely It is coming allong well What size is the house
  2. My wife and cousin are organising a scout carnival on the 10'th and the theme for the floats is dr who so made a dalek tonight and making a k9 tomorrow shall take photo's when finnished
  3. orange peel can also be caused by tempreture at which the area is painted and surrounding area are at . If it is hot the paint can literaly dry too fast causing a skin to form too quickly thus making orange peel 2 pac paint is a sod for it
  4. SMurF


    I know of early zetors that used to break in half when ploughing due to poor castings
  5. I have drivven a few deutz' in the past Agrotrons and agrostars and agroplus's and found them easy to drive and comfortable I don't have a favourite make of tractor but i would rate deutz's very highly
  6. Baling until it rained and then onto ploughing then home to swat up on some defra BS to get points for my NRoso \
  7. Just finnishing baling a field when it absolutely passisted it down and soaked everything
  8. Now thats not very nice is it \ Send it to me and i'll give it back to you via my will ;D ;D Very nice OF nice to see how your farm has come such a long way in a short time
  9. is it a kale drill? there is no need for modern drills with that stuff our old one dates back to the late 40's and the last time i saw it it was still going strong farm next door still has it since we gave up milking
  10. I have and ues a Browns carrier and it has a bar that sits in the middle at the bottom and extends all the way to the front it is detachable but i've found if it is taken out the bales fold upwards when grabbed and are then useless to put down to be moved again they fall over does this make sense \ shall take a photo of it tommorrow
  11. Finnished welding up my baler ready for when I can go again when it dries out But it keeps raining on us and it aint ammusing
  12. I think F-P has sorted me out but if there is a problem i will contact you nigel Thank you anyway
  13. Welgar rp12s in lots of bits And SMurF with a big spanner in his hand ;D
  14. I need a tyre for the other front wheel Got anything in stock F-P
  15. Don't quite know what you meen fp but does this make any more sence
  16. It may take me a long time but i will get there with a little help from my freinds
  17. I recon my boss has one of them thrown in a draw think it came from a dealer donkeys years ago
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