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My web site with all the models I produce

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Great site Feli, I didn't realise that there were so many different Fiat models and where oh where did you get that SAME and how can I get one 

Hi robbo,

I have personally build the Same starting from zero, it is a prototipe I think I must have another one (the last of the 5 I have build), I'm now correcting it and adding a lot of details. I can't say you when the model will be ready,

Contact me if you are interesting in the last one

thank you


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Hi robbo,

I have personally build the Same starting from zero, it is a prototipe I think I must have another one (the last of the 5 I have build), I'm now correcting it and adding a lot of details. I can't say you when the model will be ready,

Contact me if you are interesting in the last one

thank you


check your inbox, you have a pm  ;) ;) ;) ;)

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Hi england friends,

If you are collector or an enthusiastic of farm models and if you like to have your own gallery on my site (www.felimodels.it), please send me some images of your collection to put on it. A lot of collectors from all the world have already done this but I miss England collectors, can you do something? Italy vs England: 15 to 0!

I will wait your images.

thank you


Ps for Andy or other admin: can you say me where I can put this advise? or can you make some publicity to send me the images of England collectors? I'd like to divide collectors on my site by their country, for example England collectors gallery, Italian collectors gallery, Germany collectors etc etc. can you help me? why not we have a competition departed?

thank you


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