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My Model Builds - Past and Present.


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sorry eurodeere,i cut up the henri walker cab as i had to remove the mudguards and add them to my chassis and then altered the cab to suit......i hope to be painting the 4240 next week,was going to use a pma linkage but my mind is telling me to fit the siku type as it would suit all my implements..........ive taken all day today at the alternas and am getting along well,these mowers have caused me endless frustration up to now,but i think well on the way now..picture 1 shows one of the alternas in cutting positon and in picture 2 we see the mower raised......



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2 more pictures of the mower...the 2nd alterna is not far behind this one,i hope to be painting them both next week and then i have to start work on the front mounted kuhn fc313...im doing a fc313 for myself at same time but the front mounted mowers will not be causing as much frustration as these two.......the alterna is not a build for the faint hearted and would test any model builder to the limits



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on the subject of jd 4240s...could anyone tell me what colour the interior and seat are..... Im building the jd4240s with the half green cab and from any pics ive seen the interior seems to be all black with a brown seat,am i correct on this????    thanks

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i have model orders to carry me into february of next year,forthcoming models will include a 1964 ACTIV M trailed combine and rotavators,all are sold and will be one offs but they will certainly provide a new challenge for me,especially the combine....ive tracked down a surviving activ combine and will be visiting it soon to do all my measuring before beginning the model which will no doubt create its own problems along the way

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thanks jez...i would also love an alterna but unfortunately dont have time at the minute to make one...But i cant keep them all and ill be making a front fc313 for myself and then in the future making the rear butterfly mowers to go with it so at least im not left totally empty handed from the whole thing...once these alternas are gone to their customers i never want to see another agin,thats how ive felt about all mowers ive done to date...to even think id have to go through that frustration again would make me cry.....when working at mowers ive found ive given myself 3-4 day headaches with all the measurements and working out to do along the way...people will see the mower and think thats nice but what you dont see is the endless research and studying of such a machine along the way...i was working these 2 alternas out in my head for over 2 weeks before i commenced the build...there were a few times they got so frustrating that i just had to sit them aside and walk away to something simpler for a while as i worked the rest out in my head.....thats why you see my 4240 appearing now,i had to take a break form the mowers to relieve the pressure they were causing

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ah thanks mr softie,you had given me the brochure but it didnt show the interior...luckily i took the initiative tonite and sprayed the seat brown....now i wonder form all the forum members who have built these models where is the best place to get the front headlights,they are of the square surround type with a bit of a housing behind....help would be appreciated as it may save me hours hunting......ive started another jd for myself today,1 that i bought with no cab on ebay for a fiver so ill do something with that soon as well,they make such a nice model that i always look forward to the next one.....and me a massey man

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as ive had so much help from forum jd men id also like to know if the front mudgaurds were an option when buying new...in mr softies brochure it shows one without and ive seen them with them fitted in different sites...its maybe a personal choice on the model,i think id like to have them on

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thanks david, ill be getting to that other job soon,just another mower to get out of the way and ill be on it...at minute im gathering info and churning the whole thing round in my head....i like to give each model the attention it deserves and you know yourself what a bench overload can do.i couldnt see a light at the end of the tunnel for days at these mowers and finally today i at last felt on top of it...it makes me extremely restless until i get to that stage with a model,it seems to play on your mind from the minute you wake up and every minute of the day until finally it all comes together like a painstaking jigsaw with a million pieces

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Front mudguards and the external air intake on the bonnet were both options. Two types of rear view mirror and rear window were used, early ones had the mirrors as shown in the brochure with a rear window that opened only a few degrees like the side windows. Late ones had bigger European style mirrors on an adjustable D arm and gas struts on the rear window to allow the window to open around 85 degrees. Some tractors had rear mud guard extensions as shown in the brochure.

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as euro deere stated front fenders were an option on all 40 series deere`s it was only with the introduction of the 40k gear box option on the 50 series that they became standard fit although they were still optional extras on 30k boxed 50 series deere`s

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thanks brian...im hoping to paint the wheels and one of the alternas tommorrow,still awaiting a few parts for the 2nd one.....starting to regret not building myself one but no doubt ill get building myself enough over the next few weeks........MF fans can expect a VERY special tractor but itll be after christmas now

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headlights brian, have a look in a local craft shop or similar, on the card making bit, down here i can get packs of flat rear crystals, clear like the once britains used to use, and also orange red pink?? or blue they go from about 1.5mm dia up to arround 7 mm ,if you cant get them let me know and i will get the brand name for you or even buy some and send them

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thanks brian...im hoping to paint the wheels and one of the alternas tommorrow,still awaiting a few parts for the 2nd one.....starting to regret not building myself one but no doubt ill get building myself enough over the next few weeks........MF fans can expect a VERY special tractor but itll be after christmas now

the picture in your avatar,any chance of a bigger picture
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here paul,my pride and joy

thanks bor,i love this model you made, embarrasses mine,but i dont care ,this has to be the best tractor convo ever,more of an attachment for me since i drive one sometimes,well not the 8480 but the 8450 and thats a great tractor as well
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ive recently made myself a few goodies.here is the 1st one,this tractor has been finished for a few weeks now but i only got around to fitting the steps today......most of these following projects have been on the go for some time now



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