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My Model Builds - Past and Present.


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work has now commenced on 5 x grimme cw 150s... as i had thought they are proving tricky so far and there is nearly as much time working out and marking out parts as there is in making them.. such a machine would cause extreme headaches if you let it but ive found its better not to look too far ahead and instead concentrate heavily on each stage of the build.it s very important to note positions of lugs for rams etc as these will have to be built into the massive sidewalls during the build, if not then it would lead to cutting open later.. the sidewalls on the real machine is 270mm wide and has 5 different shapes, because of this ive had to make each side for each model from 5 different pieces and then joined together, it takes around and hour and a half to mark out and cut and shape 1 piece and because there are 5 models with 2 sides each this meant making 50 individual sides..i drilled and lined these and then fitted a small bolt and nut and this kept them tight together allowing me to shape them exactly right with each other.... these will be a difficult but enjoyable build to the end....

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here is the real machine on which my model will be replicated. the parts will be made along the way, all ive bought for this model is the webbing and the wheels have yet to be ordered..id say the parts will run into over 200 individual items



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this was my last destoner build which was for myself. this particular model i remember spending 135 hours on it....so now the grimme cw 150 will be destoner number 2 



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the best tips i can think of is to thoroughly research whatever you,re building, i sometimes study brochures and pictures for weeks prior to beginning a build so as im armed with info on it and never try to build a model to a time deadline, its better to take you,re time and be confident that each part you make is correct and it wont let you down and spoil the model later on...when i begin a build ive nearly always visited the real machine and ive loads of pictures of every angle and ive all my measuring done and the sizes all down on paper and the scaled 1/32 size written next to them......

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it depends on what model im building, brass would be used for some 80% of my builds as many of the more awkward models have to be made in brass. it offers immense strenght and the ability to replicate warking/moving parts successfully but the down side is that its extremely time consuming to work with as first the brass must be cleaned and then cut and shaped and then soldered and then the joint filed and sanded down. 

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I've been seeing loads of destoners round my area and seeing your superb reekie again has inspired me too have a go at one soon.Saw a grimme cw today behind a new jd 6190,looks a very hard model to make as I see the axle has rams on it so the body can rise up and down.Can't wait to see yours.

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im in the depths of the destoners now and the working out along the way so far has been major. its absolutely vital in such a model that all the rotors and web pulley wheels are fitted in exactly the right place and this sounds a lot easier than it is, its not until you go to make such a model that you realise just how tricky it is..theres a long way to go yet but im pleased with progress so far and ive found that there,s as much time spent studying and working out each individual part as there is to mark it out and make it !! ive spent hours studying the pictures ive taken of the real machine and also studying the brochure at this stage as theres just so many parts involved....

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  • 2 weeks later...

im now about 70% along the destoner builds and its been problem after problem but beneath the seriously frustrating work involved i can also see what will be my finest models to date. Completion within the next 5 weeks 

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  • 4 weeks later...

now that the destoners are nearing painting stage im taking orders for my next project which is the AGRI-MECH GRASSHOPPER mower from the 70s/80s.. if anyone has any information on these please pm me as i have some info but would like more.. when the destoners get painted they will sit for a few days before i go back to build them all up, the task of fitting the webs and stars will be extremely time consuming and that will be done in the house at the table. The webbing will be painted black and then painstakingly fitted one by one as will the stars which i found a way of making after much headscratching. 

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many modifications were made along the way......it has now gained new webbing, pick off table, windrow kit, steering and levelling axle, resprayed with new decals and tracking drawbar 



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axle detail and in 2nd pic is the windrow kit which is in effect a longer discharge elevator which operates in reverse thus putting the potatoes out the opposite side to the elevator and lays them into the ridge



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