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The Adventures of Marky and HATTIE the MF5480 - born 18th July 2009

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We peel abput 12t of spuds per week pops... so we collect waste carrots to blend in with the spud peelings to make them more edible... The cows don't like the mechanical peelings on their own as they are too starchy...

As for farm waste baling... still doing it Pops... did two days last week.. got all day on Thursday of this week as well and a few more in the diary to do as well thankfully

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We peel abput 12t of spuds per week pops... so we collect waste carrots to blend in with the spud peelings to make them more edible... The cows don't like the mechanical peelings on their own as they are too starchy...

As for farm waste baling... still doing it Pops... did two days last week.. got all day on Thursday of this week as well and a few more in the diary to do as well thankfully

what are the lads on about bailing are you trying to farm contract???bailing hay???

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some nice pics there mark especially like the cartoon man on the forklift  :-\

i reckon it's high time BBC did a documentary on you , about the mad get rich quick,slow quick,quick slow entrepreneur brainstorms you seen to bring to life  ??? 

i thought a midlife crisis meant you had to get fashionable clothes , a fast italian car & a young impressionable girl that cant talk proper like wot we do  unfortunately you chose new overalls , french tractor & barry , ah well it's a close call  ;D ;D

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Great update Red Man :)

All looking rosie indeed!

And thanks for the details about the spcifications of your "lady"......... Now I know what your local dealer needs to include when qouting you for a Deere  ;):D;D>:(:(:of???

Keep up the good work..


Pssst, can I have a TUC biscuit?

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some nice pictures there mark especially like the cartoon man on the forklift  :-\

i reckon it's high time BBC did a documentary on you , about the mad get rich quick,slow quick,quick slow entrepreneur brainstorms you seen to bring to life  ??? 

i thought a midlife crisis meant you had to get fashionable clothes , a fast italian car & a young impressionable girl that cant talk proper like wot we do  unfortunately you chose new overalls , french tractor & barry , ah well it's a close call  ;D ;D

:D :D  - Oh Marcus... you do make me laugh... get rich slow slow slow.. well... stopped is more like it mate sadly.  I'd like the clothes and the car I must admit... but I'll stick with Barry for now thanks all the same... he may have a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp... but he's mine and I love him.  :-[

As for the man on the forklift... it's actually a Britains driver I found in my drawer at work... just somebody had twisted his head 90 degrees  :-[:D :D

As for you Jez... quiote away.... if it's over... lets say..... £1.10p then I don't think you'll be in with much of a chance on the next tractor... but you are welcome to try  ;D

As fo the Tuc... all gone buddy sorry  :-[  - well they were 'cheese sandwiches' ... not your ordinary plain biscuit  :-[

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i take it the bale in the above pic behind the main bale exploded from it's ties , do you have much like this from cartons or containters as being relitvely small i don't suppose they bind together as well, it also has a memory which doesn't help

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we had a lot of problems last year with 'exploding bales' after we'd made them mate... more a case of operator error than anything else..

As you rightly say... the memory of the plastic is the problem.. especially in the cold (which is when we tend to get these jobs)... what we do now is 'back off' the pressure a little before we ties off the bale and we use cardboard on the top & bottom of the bale to stop the sharp edges causing 'pressure points' in the wires.  I've also gone up in wire thickness by 0.2mm.. sounds nothing... but makes it a lot harder to thread and pull through (we broke the tool 5 times or so before we gave up and modified it).  Once one wire gives up the rest follow in seconds...



ping ping

:'( :'(  - 40 minutes work down the drain  :D :D  - touch wood.. we've done a lot of baling recently.. and not one bale is split... yet

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Baking Potatoes Pops... for some reason they've not made it to the fridge  :-\  ... perhaps someone out of shot was loading them.

Rickaaaayyyy... I can't wait.... in fact... I've only got a mini-digger... so I'll start digging the hole now I think  ;);D

How long is the turn around on the spuds Marky?  You keep them for 1 week and they are moved out or longer??

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2 days on average Pops... I currently sell about 15-20 pallets of baking Potatoes per week.. 60x15kg boxes on a pallet...

We sell 3 sizes... 40's, 50's and 60's.... in essence... Large, Medium and Small

I also sell about 12t of white spuds in sacks and 8t of reds in sacks too

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Nar.. but thanks anyway Ben... Mavis has got one... as had Dug and two on Hattie.. I've got one here at home (off Fanny... I believe that's got tris's name on it)... 1 on the back of my Bailey that I never use and two spare ones (somehow) in a filing cabinet at work  :-\

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