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ed the fred

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Many years ago all I did was carpet farming; I had a purpose built farm in the cellar (which is still there covered in cobwebs) with pretty much every model of Britain’s available at the time.

Because it has all been in the cellar for 25 years allot of the collection has dis coloured and is in a bit of a state (as I got older I started carpet mechanics taking things apart and swapping cabs and wheels....as you do), however looking on this forum has bought back fond memories and I was wondering if my collection is worth restoring or just selling If I can remember I stopped collecting at about the time the powerfarm range came out (and I have them all, the TW35 the county the class forage harvester and the new Holland combine) and some of the items have seen better days.

So what do you think people should I invest the time and money in restoring the collection to its former glory or sell the lot?!

P.S did anyone else have a favourite?

I would say the most used tractor on carpet estate was Green MB TRAC (had the white one as well, not as good) only problem was the Hydraulics were made of metal and snapped off easy so both MB Tracs retired as trailer pullers!!



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Hi Ed and welcome to the forum.

I would suggest that the first thing to do is to get the camera out and let's see your collection. There are some die hard Britains collectors on here who would be very interested in your old models.

Have a look at the layouts section as well and it might just encourage you to dust off the cobwebs and either bring the diorama up  to date or to restart a "classic" era layout.

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Thanks for that Robbo, carpet estate is in my parents cellar so next time I visit I will certainly take the camera and get some shots.

As far as updating the diorama, I think my old man will lose it and be convinced I am defiantly a case of arrested development and that the stress of having my first child has made me regress 25 years!

Got any links for spare parts and paints if I do decide to restore any items? I think the first one to be restored would be my Ford 7710.

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if you look further down the forum you will find a section for Custom methods, hints and tips and then further down still is a links page with a number of useful web addresses

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Welcome aboard Ed...I suppose I am one of those Britain's die hard collectors since I really only collect Britains and Border Fine Arts models. Last count I had 696 boxed Britains with another 3 on order.

Yes please get that camera out and show us your layout in the members collections area. You will see some of mine entitled something BC's Other Britains

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Cheers guys

To be honest looking at the amazing collections on here has made me jealous!

I don't think I have a single item that won't need some level of restoration, anyway maybe I can start a new section a bit like the classic car lost and found section and have interesting snaps of my wrecks and relics.

Did make me sad when I looked at some of Robbo's pictures and can remember the Christmas when I opened up that model, threw away the box and went to work.

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Ed, now you have found FTF (F*****g Toy Farmers as my delightful other half once called this place!) you will soon become aware of how little choice you will have in what you do with your collection, how you will start looking in pet shops for fish tank plants for maize and tree's, taking photos of machinery, meeting the postman at the end of the road, money laundering from the other half and. . .

. . . . enjoying the lot!!

Dust the farm off record it with photographs, leave your wallet at reception and we'll do the rest! :D :D

Stick around, enjoy your time here and if you've any questions. . . ask away! :) :)

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